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Just a quick question. I have ds lined up with an pediatric ophthalmologist. Is there a difference b/t behavioral ophthalmologists? Should I cancel this appointment? What is the difference?



an ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who can do surgery. An optometrist is not an MD and generally focuses on optics and vision correction. The word pediatric just means they specialize in treating children. The kind of doctor who tests for CI and treats with vision therapy is a Behavioral Optometrist. In your other thread, I posted a link where you can find a Behavioral Optometrist in your area. It will be highly unlikely you will bet tested for CI from the pediatric ophthalmologist you've made an appt with, but you can always call the office and ask if they test for CI and treat it with vision therapy.


The list of doctors I found were listed under ci doctors. Dont recall where i dound them but ut was under some ci link. So thanks for the heads up I will definetly call the office and ask what type of treatment they provide If ds does have ci. I do not want to waste money and have to go to another doctor. Thanks!


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