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Posted (edited)

We received our Metamatrix Stool analysis results today. A. No c diff!! Maybe that's why she's not responding to treatment. B. 3 different parasites. C. Low on bifo bacterium and D. H Pylori. Also her Anti gliadin sig A was high at 7.


We are waiting for the MDs treatment plan. But would anyone like to chime in? Treatment, questions to ask him?



Edited by JenniferG

Only thing I wanted to say was that when we treated the H.Pylori, much improvement was seen. Don't have my notes here at work, so I can't tell you off hand which antibiotics were used. You may have found a "puzzle piece"....


Good luck,



Have you been to www.betterhealthguy.com website? He addresses these and so do many dr. at the 'physicians Table 2012' outline on his site.


Great that you have found some things to treat. My ds has done 2 full-treatments and several maintenance treatments for parasites.


After 2+ years of treatment son seems to be holding steady (no lyme/coinfections; parasites etc.). Now if we can only get immune system to re-boot and take care of viruses we would really be excited!


Its like the drs. have to get/keep your child healthy with meds until it is able to work on its own again (of course we would all love to see this!). Best wishes on continuing treatment!


I am really glad you ended up doing the Metametrix Comprehensive Stool Analysis. You should definitely make some head way when treating for parasites.


I wanted to mention a couple of things based on our experience in treating for them. Parasites can take a long time to fully eradicate. 1 1/2 years to treat DH. They can be almost anywhere in the body and will create what appears to be high anxiety symptoms of nail biting and teeth grinding (parasite thought to be in jaw cavity). These high anxiety symptoms will increase when initially treating. Parasites lay larva that will hatch often after killing initial mature parasite and repopulate in the body and why treatment can take so long. Many pulse therapies around full moon cycles because that is when the larva typically hatch.


Additionally, with that many different parasites in stool analysis I suspect your DD's gut PH's are way off due to the toxin's they create and has inflammation. When you looked at results I am sure you focused on the positive parasites but there is a ton of "other" good information there. I was wondering how her good bacteria looked and if she was low on any specific strains. Those results might inform you on a choice of probiotic. Did she have any digestive enzymes? If not, I would definitely add a good general digestive enzyme to help her digest food and help with absorption of vitamins and minerals. Did she have any noted inflammation? If so, you might consider a mast cell stabilizer and also test for food allergies. Did she have any indication of yeast? Remember, if she has multiple issue only change one thing at time to determine helpfulness i.e. changing probiotics, adding digestive enzymes, treating yeast.


For our family, we had a lot of little issues that = PANS, treating each thing has helped to advance recovery. I am hopeful the same will happen for your DD. Good luck and keep investigating.

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