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the other suggestion is to go out to google and type "latitudes.org D3" or "Pandas vitamin D". Sometimes I can find a post faster that way than by using the internal latitudes search engine.


I just typed "vitamin D3 pandas" and my first hit was 4 threads on this forum:

Low Vitamin D Level - ACN Forums

www.latitudes.org › ... › PANDAS and PITAND

Dec 16, 2009 – He explained that vitamin D is crucial to immune system function, so it makes sense. My son just did IVIG last week for PANDAS and will ...

VITAMIN D & CONFUSION‎ - Dec 6, 2012

Vitamin D - how fast could it work?‎ - Sep 16, 2012

Could a fecal transplant and Vitamin D cure PANDAS?‎ - Aug 26, 2011

Low Vitamin D and Chronic Infection‎ - Mar 31, 2010


More results from latitudes.org »


Sorry I can't paste the link - when I click on it, it brings me to the first thread. But generally, if I can't find what I'm looking for easily, it usually helps to go out to google and search, using Pandas, latitudes or something like that along with your key phrase.

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