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Scary Article regarding PANDAS

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This will blow you away. Just an FYI - My DS was diagnosed with conversion disorder 3 months after starting Junior High and has not been back to a regular school since. Basically, he is homeschooled with an option to attend classes on Fridays. We are trying one class on Friday but having major trouble getting him to do it due to

unexplained anxiety.

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Hi - I think that for some kids vaccine injury may be an initiating or exacerbating factor but in our experience it cannot explain all PANDAS kids.


My dd is very minimally vaccinated (HIB and tetanus, just 5 shots in all). We had already decided before PANDAS raised it ugly head that we were giving no more shots as we were concerned with their safety. She developed PANDAS around age 4.


My ds who developed PANDAS very early in the first year of infancy has never had any vaccinations at all. Nor will he, as I do believe that for these children, vaccinations can be troublesome. We have been told by Dr B to not vaccinate and by Dr T that we can vaccinate where we think necessary but one at a time and only when well.


I won't be giving my kids any more shots unless it is deemed absolutely necessary (dd rides and lots of tetanus round horses, supposedly, so we're unsure about that one) but I suspect that for PANDAS kids there will be different immune provoking triggers that can start this process off in these susceptible kids.

Edited by dut
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