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>>Does he crave anything in particuliar like sugar, carbs, fruit? Does he avoid protein, or does he seem to have a well rounded diet?>>


This question was asked in another post (started by Cum Passus) to help figure out the causes of that particular case of TS. I'm wondering what the relationship is between TS & food cravings & especially, low interest in protein.




OK, Kim, I think I get it. So, low interest in protein could mean that your body has a hard time digesting the protein (although, I would think that your body would then crave it *more*, but according to what I read...) and that the primary reason behind the poor protein digestion is heavy metal toxicity.


And so when essential amino acids are used, they can help rid the body of the extra heavy metals & also, get your body to digest protein more the way it should. Is this the gist of it?


I wonder if taking essential amino acids would also count as "detox." I have about a 6 week-3 month period of time starting next week or so when I can freely detox as much as I want. (I lost this pregnancy, so I have to take at *least* six weeks up to 3 months before TTC again.)


I plan to do YEAST, that's the biggie, and since I've been battling it since the day I got pregnant 12 wks ago, I'm concerned that it was a player in the m/c. I could also throw this in if it's counted as "detox" (because you can't do a detox when you're pregnant or nursing, or the toxins go straight to the baby).


I still don't get the food cravings part. Maybe the OP was thinking yeast with the food cravings? And I do *sometimes* crave protein, just not very often. Hmmm....much to think about, and it's all inter-related. See, I had pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy and the culprit that most nutritionists & alternative doctors are pointing to now is **severe protein deficiency**. There's a man, Dr. Brewer, at the Blue Ribbon Baby site, that outlines a diet for all pregnant women to avoid preeclampsia where he advises at least 80-90 grams of protein every day. I was hoping that diet would help me avoid it in the future, but if my body isn't properly digesting what it receives, then I could eat nothing but protein and I'd still have a problem.


This is good info to have right now--I'm going to bring it up to my ND.




I'm so sorry to hear about the miscarrage. <_<


I had one shortly before I got pregnant for my first son and it was really horrible emotionally for me. I was Sooo ready to have a baby. But, I got pregnant shortly after the waiting period too.


I was the one that posted that question Julie. It was as much for my benefit, as hoping to provide helpful info to the person I asked.


My youngest son only eats a handful of foods. It's a much bigger problem then tics.


OK, Kim, I think I get it. So, low interest in protein could mean that your body has a hard time digesting the protein (although, I would think that your body would then crave it *more*, but according to what I read...) and that the primary reason behind the poor protein digestion is heavy metal toxicity.


yes, it could mean a hard time digesting


and yes, some people crave it. Did you catch the part about the opiate effect? If you have intestinal permeability, along with large undigested protein molecules, they can enter the blood stream and effect the brain, in a way that makes you feel GOOD..as an opiate would. It can also make you spacey unable concentrate, and some feel this is why some autistic kids are unable to sense pain.


The lack of sulfur, the damage to the enzyme production, due to the effects of thimerosal(or other toxins) on the pancreas etc. all appears to play a part.


Yes, I was referring to an imbalance in gut flora (high yeast) when asking about the sweet cravings. Also, some children seem to want nothing but fruit, but get red ears and cheeks like they have been out in the cold or dark circle, or reddish purple circles under their eyes. It's said that this can be a problem with phenols. So a problem food can be a favorite, or one that is strictly avoided. I think it only helps if it's REALLY obvious regarding a food, or food group. If you or your child want nothing but milk milk milk, you may have a clue to the problem!


I use these to help my youngest son with fat (zymeprime) and protein digestion (peptizide). We also use one called No Fenol, to help with yeast control. I like to give my son his omega 3 6 9 around the time he takes his zymeprime so he can digest it better.




Yes, depleted amino acids may be something very helpful to check into with testing. I have read that taking a broad based amino acid supplement, is not a good idea without testing for individual deficiencies. I'm looking at everything from a stand point of safety for my kids though.

I would definitley ask your ND about the amino acids, if you think it may be part of your problem. I have read where they are so important, that even a low level of ONE should be addressed.


Kim and Julie, Sorry also about both of your lost pregnancies. <_<


Julie, I really recommend the enzymes Kim posted. AFP Peptizade would be great for protein digestion, and ask your doctor, but I would think it would only help a future pregnancy, since you get more out of nutrients. My son had certain amino acid deficiencies, and the amount of pills you would have to take to make a dent versus food amazed me. Also, I was told to always keep them balanced, even when there were certain deficiencies...


Yeast yeast yeast. Clearly it can cause carb/sugar cravings. HOWEVER, the more I read, the more I am beginning to agree with those that say that yeast is our body's way of protecting itself from metals. ie You must get rid of the metals first. (of course, this assumes that you have metals, since yeast could also be from antibiotic overuse). Yeast can also be a blood sugar related...(When I kept getting yeast infections they said they were going to check for diabetes at one point! So I cut out sugar cold).


Soooo...do you have 'silver' amalgams? Could you get rid of those during this waiting period. I have read that they can be transferred to the baby in utero from the mother. If you do this, then you need to do it with a DAMS dentist, which is someone who does proper removal without getting even more mercury into your tissues.


Many of the metal detox approaches require amalgam removal first...





Be careful if considering removing amalgam fillings if you plan on TTC again within 3 months. Three months to me doesn't seem like enough time to have amalgams removed and get metals fully out of the body. I've been trying to get rid of metals for 1 year and 1 month after having my amalgam fillings removed, and I still have elevated metals coming out. I don't recall what the waiting time is for TTC after having amalgam fillings out and removing metals, but I know I have seen suggestions on how long to wait before TTC after metals no longer show up. Autism boards would be the place to check on this as several mothers are going through chelation before TTC another child.




Good point by Carolyn. Given that I believe I passed my son a lot of mercury during pregnancy through my amalgams, I would remove them and wait to get pregnant until I got the mercury out if I could do it again. But I know for sure I have metals, and I have no idea if you have a biological clock ticking here.




But I know for sure I have metals, and I have no idea if you have a biological clock ticking here.




What test did you do for metals? Is there one that is non-intrusive?


As far as biological clock goes, I'm 34 now--that probably gives you an idea.

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