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Labs done about 3 weeks after a strep throat infection, but in hindsight, about 9 months after original PANDAS symptoms appeared. ALL her labs were normal, but so were my other PANDAS/PANS children, even though they clearly respond to antibiotics.


CBC- normal

M pnemoniae IgG's and Granulocytes- normal

M pnemoniae IgM- normal

Anti-DNase- normal

HSV, IgM- normal

Streptozyme- normal

Antistreptolysin O Ab- normal



She doesn't respond to the antibiotics as well. There's still a lot of underlying symptoms with her (anxiety/ocd even on Zoloft & Tenex) and screaming/rages/foggy brain.


What about the IgG subclasses? Any other lab work you can recommend? (although I have no idea how we'd get her to do it... she will FREAK!)


I'm ready to push for steroids, we've never tried that. I'm wracking my brain to think of things to try. What about 2 abx at once? She's only on Augmentin right now.

Posted (edited)

both of our kids have normal inflammation labs (after 2 months on abx), just like your daughter. when we checked their vitamin levels, we found b12, b7, and d to be low. both have gene mutations on MTHFR.

ds4 responded well to steroids, less to abx. dd9 responded well to abx. both are also on vitamin supplements.

Edited by pr40

I would test for Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia through Igenex. Also, nasal staph infection - this was a big one for us that only the LLMD caught.


Something to keep in mind is that it takes a functional immune system to make antibodies to pathogens. Most tests for infections are antibody-based.


My son rarely has anything positive in his labs for infections. We found out last year that he has a primary immune deficiency. It might be a good idea to look at her immune function and running the IGG, IGA, IGM and IGG subclass tests might give you some clues.


My son seems to initially fight infections, but doesn't fully clear them. So he is a walking petri dish of low-grade infections. He has responded to aggressive treatment with anitfungals, antibiotics and antivirals. The antiviral (Valtrex) made the most noticeable, almost overnight difference in him.

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