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I am new to posting a topic but not new to reading the forums and I'm looking for advice. My 5 year old son now 7 years old started showing signs of tics right after Halloween a couple of years ago. He would move his nose from side to side, stretch his neck to one side, sniff and snort and his eyes started rolling up like he was looking at the sky. I searched the internet and found this site which gave us alot of great ideas which led me to a doctor I found here in Phoenix. I am writing this because my son is experiencing some issues again and I would like to reach out for some additional help and I have been meaning to share our successes for quite some time now. The doctor I found here I think is brilliant. She is founder of CARE which is the Center for Autism, Research and Education. She was and is a godsend to us as she helped eliminate all the symptoms through alot of testing, supplements and time. It took about 6 months after we received all the tests back including the food allergy testing results from SAGE and eliminated all the items shown to be positive in the test. He had been symptom free for about a year and we had his food allergies retested and slowly started adding some of the foods back into his diet. He was doing very well but recently started the sniffing and snorting again during the allergy season and it has continued. We have cut back all the foods again to the ones when he was symptom free which has been about a month now but the sniffing and snorting continues. We have continued to see Dr. Schneider and have another appt with her in about a week. Im wondering if anyone else has any experience dealing with the sniffing and snorting with any success. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks so much!




Dd gets this but only when she has a cold or is congested. She is gluten and milk free for two years now plus all dyes and preservatives bc of what we learned through her older brother. She is now seven she is classic with the sniffing tic if she has any type of runny nose which is usually due to a cold since (let me cross my fingers) she doesn't seem to have all the outdoor allergies her brother has but Wierd bc he is not a snifflier. Go figure! The sniffling goes away once she is not congested. So if he does have a runny nose or a cold that could be the reason.



Hi Sean, we live in Phoenix too and I've heard good things about Dr Schneider. I have not gotten up the guts to pay what she asks to do all the testing, etc but I'm thinking about it soon. As for the tics, I've noticed that my son will tic in relation to what may be going on with his body at times. As Mar mentioned, her child tics more when she has a cold and it seems like the sniffling lasts longer. My son recently had a nasty cough and he started with a breathing tic that was relatively short lived. Unfortunately, his other tics are on the increase right now but that's another story.


Anyway, I guess I just wanted to come on and say that you're not alone and just to remember that tics will wax and wane and sometimes we just don't know why.

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