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Sleeping Problems

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hi. i am 34 and love to travel and camp but, i suffer from insomnia when sleeping out side my bed. when ever i plan a trip thinking it will be ok and persue my faverit thing, unable to relaxe my mind [sleep]. i find my self in dread for the rest of the way home; and well in to the work week well to come. when i'm in dread, i feel depressed, irritable, and in a boredom gap state-like. i don't know whate to do at times. if i give up my thing i like to do. i mind as well be somebody else or born in a different life...



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I have had this problem my whole life. I have a severe vitamin b6 deficiency. One indication of a problem with b6 is little or no dream recall.


I have a condition that requires high doses of nutritional which should only be done under medical supervision. You might try taking some extra b6 to see if this helps, but b6 has a known toxicity so it should be used with caution.


B6 is needed for serotonin, which can be converted into melatonin. You might try some melatonin if you haven't already.

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