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I am sitting here thinking how different my life is than last year at Thanksgiving, when I wondered if DS would even be able to leave the house to join the family for dinner. Certainly not fixed or cured, but so much better!


The Holidays can be so difficult for families of children with PANS.


I thought it might be good for us to think about some of good things that have happened to us, as individuals or as a community, over the past year.


For starters, I am thankful that the PANS paper was published in April 2012 and that the IOCDF has it available on their website!


I am thankful for all the support, friendship, ideas, information and even the occasional chuckle I've found here at ACN over the last couple of years.


Thanks, kimballout! :wub:


My son and I just had a conversation earlier today when we both tried to imagine what life would have been like if he had not been diagnosed with PANDAS/PANS exactly 2 years ago. He had been mis-diagnosed for many years and was rotting in a special-ed school 50 miles from our home.


We are both thankful for the proper diagnosis and for the doctors who have been a part of his healing, which has been slow but steady.


I am especially thankful for all of you smart, caring moms and dads out there who are fighting for their kids and who take the time to share their stories and information with the rest of us.


I'd be lost without this forum!


I'm thankful for all the crazy ideas, nerdy research and complete support I always find here. I'm especially thankful for the friendships I've made and the closeness we share. You and your kids have become closer than some of my biological family.


It's next to impossible to find others who get excited about neurons - having a place where I'm understood and not alone is priceless.


Wishing you all a boring, crisis-free Thanksgiving!


Just seeing this thread...and four years since the first PANS outbreak in our home, I want to add that I am -- and will ALWAYS BE THANKFUL for this forum --

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