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I have noticed that exciting situations make my son wilder and his symptoms flare or I feel that way. Once was a fall carnival and today a birthday party. Is this common? We are in the two week observation following meds which made him worse in general, but some of the exacerbation were before meds. Thanks :)


In our case, I would say it is less excitement and more anxiety. Those sorts of atypical situations . . . social, public, outside my DS's immediate control so he's not sure what might happen next . . . tend to induce anxiety, even when he's looking forward to it, excited by it, positive about it, etc.


There's some research that suggests that anxiety itself can contribute to a more porous blood brain barrier, in which case that porosity could allow more antibodies through to the basal ganglia, and then you're in a cyclical situation whereby anxiety tends to induce more anxiety, etc.


Maybe talk to your DS about the carnival and the birthday party . . . while you know he was happy and excited about them, was there anything that made him worry a little bit? Maybe he wasn't sure who else would be there, what he would/should do first, if there would be the type of food/cake he wanted there, etc.? Sometimes I think that we adults take some things for granted and forget how jazzed our kids can get over the fact, say, that they were expecting corn dogs on a stick, and all they could find were regular hot dogs! :P


I have noticed that exciting situations make my son wilder and his symptoms flare or I feel that way. Once was a fall carnival and today a birthday party. Is this common? We are in the two week observation following meds which made him worse in general, but some of the exacerbation were before meds. Thanks :)


I have a friend who's son has Tourettes and they have talked about going on vacation and to amusement parks and how it always brings out his tics. With my son, he was winding down from an exacerbation and we thought he was just about 100%, but then a birthday party came and he had a big spike in symptoms that soon came back down.


yes, for us. i would agree with momOCD that it was likely anxiety.


what she says about the BBB is very interesting b/c there was a time when i was not giving ds motirn regularly, but i would give him a dose before an event i thought could be overwhelming. i can't so much remember, but i do think i did this for a while. i think i stopped doing it when i thought he was in a helalthier state in general and he seemed to do well at the events.


I think it makes perfect sense that symptoms may flare during times of anxiety or excitement. You have to think of the symptoms of anxiety and excitement, increased heartbeat, increased blood flow, adrenaline rushing through the body, etc. What actually happens to the body is basically the same, regardless of WHY, anxiety or excitement. Saying that, my son definitely flairs when he is excited or anxious. Tics especially.


Yes any type of excitement makes him more hyper. Aniexty cause flaira also with tics. Any exciting or sad info causes a flair.



My son definitely gets hyper with any excitement. Birthday parties - hyper, Trick or Treat:) - anxiety, it varies with each situation. I think for us, we are realizing we need to have an out if you will. We try SOME gatherings and if he can't handle it, we leave. The tough decision is which events to attend and which events to pass on. I don't want him to miss out. However, the outcome can be so mentally and emotionally exhausting for both parents and child. It's a tough call. Good luck!



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