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I have been in treatment for lyme since January. I am currently on bicillin 2x/week, zithromax and mepron twice a day. I have been on this protocol for about 4 months. My major lyme symptoms have been lower back pain, SI joint area, pain in and around hips as well as outer thighs. Since starting the bicillin I definitely noticed an improvement, but recently I felt like I took a nose dive.


I began taking a high dose of fish oil last week. By Sunday I felt like I was in extreme pain. All of my lyme pain was back as bad as it had been before diagnosis. The only thing different was the fish oil. Could fish oil cause this?


In testing I was positive for RMSF, Mycoplasma HSVV6, EBV and my CD 57 was less than 20. The bands positive were 23 KD (IGM)


For those of you taking bicillin how long were you on it?


Hi Ellen-

I don't think many here are doing Bicillin shots, as primarily it is children here,

but wanted to respond.

I am doing the Bicillin shots, 2x a week, almost a full 6 month completion -

I think I've taken them as far as it can go, and will start a new protocol next week @ appt.

One time I asked: How long do people do these shots?

And was told: Usually it is stopped when the patient is sick of it, maybe around 3-4 months (not sick from it, sick of the whole shot ordeal itself)

I wanted to stay with it because I cannot do IV, and heard these were near the next best thing.


As far as the fish oil, I have read people with KPU issue have trouble with Omega 3 (maybe 6? not the expert)

That is another something I am testing for--

HTH a little.


Just another thought Ellen on the fish oil. Make sure it is clean/pure so you are not getting more heavy metals introduced into your system. PM me if you want a place to get reasonably priced salmon oil that has tested well.

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