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My DD13 has been receiving IV Glutathione for about 6 months now (1x/week - 5ml glutathione).


I cannot tell if it is helping since we are doing so many different interventions simultaneously. Our LLMD recommended IV glutathione after testing her levels through Great Plains Lab. Doc said it was the lowest glutathione level she had ever seen.


This is sad to say, but I honestly cannot keep up with the expense of this therapy, especially when I am not sure if it is helping. It is $95/dose.


Read my signature line to see what DD is dealing with (she has been on IV treatment for infections since March, but under treatment since May 2011). She is also MTHFR homozygous for the 677 gene mutation, so we are pretty sure she is not an efficient detoxer.


I welcome opinions. I don't want to make a decision solely based on cost.

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