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A recent test we did showed high levels of Kryptopyrrols in DS urine. This condition can cause low amounts of B6 and zinc and other nutrients. I'm just starting to look into it. In doing that I came across some information that ties into the supplements and vitamins that are commonly noted when talking about brain function. (GABA, Sam-e, trytophan, zinc, B-vitamins, copper levels, etc...)


I came across a very interesting Dr - Ph.D "doctor" -that researches nutrients and behaviors. Check out the presentation under "Depression" - you have to download the preso.. He also has a bunch of videos (but they aren't really detailed - the presenation is more detailed). I only looked at one preso, but watched most of the videos.


He says there are several groups you can break people into, and that various tests will help you figure out what group you are probably in. Strategies for each group are VERY different (sometimes opposite). And many of the diagnostic clues are tests, you may have already done on you kids. Its not perfect, there is some overlap.






I've neen thinking about this ever since we started a very low does SSRI - we never ramped it up, just left him at the very, very low does. Didn't see much improvement (if any) - but given that many pandas kids recact badly to it, that has kept me from increasing, as we'll as don't really think this will be a magic bullet for him and may just mask what is going on in his immune system and other stuff we try to figure out what is really going on.


At the IOCDF meeting I went to a presentation on neurotransmitters. My take away was that we don't know what most (if any) of these REALLY do. Don't know if they are causal, or a bi-produt of something else. Various symptoms are linked to having too much - and many of those symptoms are linked to having too little. Some are merely "regulators" ..They regulate the other ones...but all the research seemed very very early.


DS has had a number of the tests on Dr Walsh's site over the years (like B-12,and zinc), and even the fact that many are in normal range, can help determine what group you belong to and therefore what supplements may work better in your case.


My interest in this is twofold - since DS is on long term antibitoics, and I know that it is bad for his gut, and we know the gut is large part of the immune system, I want to do what I can to keep it healthy through out this process.


It also beats just trying out various supplements and vitamins randomly to see if they work, or have poor outcome, or no outcome (and even figuring out IF it was the supplement - to determine efficacy of on one kid that has a host of various exposures over a few months time cannot be done with any certainty).


Hi Norcalmom,


Dr Bill Walsh has done so much to advance treatments in Biomedicine. Every year he helps train Biomed practitioners here and he's thought of very highly by practitioners and parents alike. Our DAN! trained dr is my #1 hero! DS18 is doing so much better!

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