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ds10 and i just energy tested for mycoplasma. ds began a cough in july-ish after a few days in a hotel. i thought possibly allergy or mold or something. lasted a while. kicked the cough with a homeopathic rememdy. integrative MD sees mycolplasma in him with a form of energy testing.. ds7 just getting over similar cough. i had sore throat and full head. i just also energy tested for it also.


j just read in notes from OCD conference on pandas network, swedo said mycoplasma is descendant of strep -- ???? i don't understand. does this mean mutated form? i guess i thought they were 2 separate bacterias. is this why many pans are having trouble with mycoplasma also?


yes - I was there and do recall her saying that mycoP and strep are related (very similar molecular make-up). I would get a mycoP titer taken (IgG and IgM) - if IgM is positive - there is no question, its active and recent. If IgM is neg, then you have a baseline and can see if going up or down (it can still be active - but is more like to be old infection coming to surface or hes had it before and no longer makes the IgM). He could have chronic myco - which basically has NO symptoms. Thats what we discovered my son had/has. Doxy has been best antibiotic, and there are hebals like A-Myco that we also used. My son has had periods of the very long dry cough in the past...when this all started. he had a couple coughs, not fever or anything - dsounded almost croupy - but he wasn't coughing all the time, maybe once per hours?) but lasted for about 4 weeks. I took him in both times -lungs were clear, and I was told " a long lasting virus" or that he got two things back to back.... I'd Get the titers and esstablish a baseline so you don't have to guess! It takes a long time to get rid of if its "chronic".


Good luck.

  On 8/30/2012 at 3:10 PM, norcalmom said:

yes - I was there and do recall her saying that mycoP and strep are related (very similar molecular make-up). I would get a mycoP titer taken (IgG and IgM) - if IgM is positive - there is no question, its active and recent. If IgM is neg, then you have a baseline and can see if going up or down (it can still be active - but is more like to be old infection coming to surface or hes had it before and no longer makes the IgM). He could have chronic myco - which basically has NO symptoms. Thats what we discovered my son had/has. Doxy has been best antibiotic, and there are hebals like A-Myco that we also used. My son has had periods of the very long dry cough in the past...when this all started. he had a couple coughs, not fever or anything - dsounded almost croupy - but he wasn't coughing all the time, maybe once per hours?) but lasted for about 4 weeks. I took him in both times -lungs were clear, and I was told " a long lasting virus" or that he got two things back to back.... I'd Get the titers and esstablish a baseline so you don't have to guess! It takes a long time to get rid of if its "chronic".


Good luck.

I'm asking a question for my friend (lost ACN password not signed up again yet) Well her ds has elevated mycop IgM titers since June, is on azithro, tried weaning and symptoms sneaking back! What generally is the plan with elevated IgM myco? Which is the best abx and do you keep on a full strength abx until the titer goes down before weaning? I've read it takes along time to treat mycop, is this true? Any advice is much appreciated!

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