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This is a long presentation but has tons of info on the topic http://www.autismone.org/content/dr-amy-yasko-presents-assessment-metals-and-microbes-function-nutrigenomic-profiling-part-1-


You can chelate copper by supplementing zinc. You can help the body chelate other metals by supporting mehtylation and glutathione production. One common supplement to increase glutathione is Alpha Lipoic Acid, which has a natural affinity for mercury and is often used as a mercury chelator. However, ALA crosses the BBB. So be aware that if there is mercury and there's more in the body than in the brain, there's a risk that ALA will bind to mercury in the body and carry it into the brain instead of into the liver/bowels for elimination. You can get Andy Cutler's book for ideas on chelating mercury and he has a yahoo support group. But I personally found him unhelpful. He is a "my way or the highway" kinda guy.


Klinghardt likes chlorella to bind metals and toxins. Cutler says there's too great a risk that chlorella could be contaminated by mercury in the environment (nearly all of it is grown/cultivated in China, Japan and surrounding areas. Big concerns last year over what the nuclear disaster may have done to chlorella ponds. We used chlorella prior to this but aside from this worry, my big problem with it was that you need to take 30-45 pills/day (they're small but still...).


There's also EDTA, DMSA and DMPS - all prescriptions but probably the most effective way to chelate specific metals under the guidance of a doctor.

Posted (edited)

My son uses salmon oil/chlorella and, yes, it is a lot of tabs but he is used to it. :) The chlorella is produced by a company that now tests it (since the Japan nuclear incident) to make sure of its purity (bought special equipment just for that purpose). Son's dr. also uses ART (muscle testing) on it every visit to check for the same. He has used detoxamine suppositories a few times but not at the moment.

Edited by JuliaFaith

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