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My ds8 has been ill 4 times now since Feb. He began ticcing a couple of days before each infection the first 3 times (I knew he was getting sick bc of his tics). After the 3rd infection, I rolled up my sleeves, gathered all the info I could and walked into my MD's office (I am from Canada), and "convinced" her to give my son zith. She shockingly gave me 15 days worth and once on the ABX, my son's tics almost completely subsided. Once off the zith, his tics slowly returned but were not bothersome as they were mild. His fourth time getting sick (last Tues - July 3rd), was different. He got sick and I was both surprised and delighted to see NO INCREASE in tics, that is, until 2 days ago. After being sick for 10 days, the tics reared it's ugly head. My question is this, if this is Pandas, and a doc was to RX ABX....how many days would they give him? I want to try to talk to the docs here again but don't have any evidence or facts relating to how many days to give him. If I can even find anyone to RX for us, they will likely only give me a regular course which is only 5 days. I was hoping you could share some of your experiences as ya'll have a lot more knowledge and experience with Pandas.




Dr.susan schulman is a pandas treating dr from new york and she spells out a nice pandas treating protocol. You can find it at drmdk.com,then click on pandas and search for pandas treating protocol. My son had tics very similiar to the patternn that you described. He would stop ticcing but then when we stopped antibiotics he would start back again. He has been on antibiotics since sept 2011. Tonsilectomy and adenoidectomy were helpful with his recovery.He is now on zithromax three times a week, but needed stronger and longer antibiotics when he would flare.


blake's mom - thank you, this is exactly what I needed...very detailed treatment protocol for mild to moderate pandas symptoms. Now if I could only get my immunologist on board.....I won't give up this fight!!!

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