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Anyone use it? For what symptoms? I just got some delivered from amazon yesterday.

DD is currently on the couch right now after waking a few times with bad dreams/ thoughts. Her brother vomited last night and now it is 3am here and I am in bed with my 1 yr old who has a high fever :( I wonder if DD is responding to what they have.

Her thoughts, or dreams, are of a stranger pushing her, a green guy peeking into her shower and him coming into her room. She is on augmentin and azithromycin, which we just added in 2 weeks ago, due to a flair.

I gave her Advil an hour ago as well.

So, does anyone use the kids calm? Any stories to share: positive or negative?


Well, since you already bought it, yes, give it a try!

It is magnesium citrate (if I remember correctly) so may move the bowels.


Not to discourage you, because all the kids are not the same, but after school was the 'worst' with my dd- she would hold it together all day there, lose it literally at pick up with me.

So I did try a huge Kids Calm drink to have for her in the car- at that time, it wasn't the solution.


I did try it today before I had her nap. She did nap, but not sure if it was the Kids Calm that did it, or pure exhaustion from being up since 3 AM, with the nightmares. She was in a flare since the beginning to end of June, but I thought it had resoved when we added in Zith. Actually, she was pretty much baseline. I think she is reacting to her brother who had vomiting and diahrea on Monday and now the baby has had a fever since yesterday afternoon.


Anyway, I gave her another dose tonight. I guess we will have to see how the overnight goes.


Thanks for your input. Hope all is well :)


we have used that for quite a while -- not so much for the namesake -- we tried it as a sample in a store and ds liked the taste, so i jumped on it. i can't really say that i saw any calming effect. ds did used to have bathroom issues so we had it as part of our regime to promote regularity -- which it did well. that problem has fallen off, so so has our use of Calm -- but i did just see the remaining big jar in my cabinet and thought we should start using it again. unfortunately, i really can't say that i saw any calming effect -- he was the same whether he'd had it or not.


Do you think a short steroid burst would help? Any sinus stuff. Our child with night terrors usually has them when he has strep in his sinus cavities. The antibiotics never clear it until we add musenex and a week of steroids. Just thinking out load. But, yes, the PANDAS kids are concidered "canaries in a coal mine". because they respond to the sicknesses in their enviornment.


I did use it a couple of years ago because I read that it could calm his tics at the time and his axiety. He didn't like the taste. So of course it was short lived and therefore not sure if it did anything. Sorry. Hope all get better soon!



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