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So my kiddo has been on keflex since 5/25. The first month he did FANTASTIC, and had a great break from his sinus infections and was doing very well.


Well for the past 2-3 weeks or so, he's been screaming random words like he's got tourettes, tapping his whole body like he hears a rhythm in his head. And that'll last for hours on end. And of course there's the saying the same word/phrase over and over. ya, it's not funny to hear the word 'boobs' coming from a 6 year old boy 32904892309320932 times. (no joke) We got some good looks at that one. sigh.



We see our PANDAS doc the 17th, but i'm just curious! thanks! :)


geez. I would call your doctor asap. If he had no tics before and now they are this bad something must be up in my opinion. maybe have him swabbed again? orchange to a different abx?


Most definitely a flare-up. I would do a rapid/culture, run a set of ASO & DNASE titers, probably mycoplasma IgG/IgM just to start as these are all changable. Does he have an ENT? Is he on full dose abx? I'd recommend T&A and maybe sinus drainage. Has he had a CT/MRI of sinuses? Corporalia can definitely be a pandas symptom, it's still just a tic, like any other verbal tic, throat clearing etc. My ds had completely occluded sinuses found incidently on brain MRI and we did T&A for normal looking tonsils and everything was infected, tonsils, adenoids and sinuses! You could try dosing with ibuprofen in the meantime and see if that helps.


something is making him flare up. does he have Lyme? sometimes during die off from abx there can be increase in symptoms. Keflex isnt a heavy hitter for lyme though. I still think you should get him swabbed. anyone else sick? Agree with the ibuprofen


our pandas doc didn't test for lyme. She asked if we'd been to CA or the east coast and the answer is no. Not sure what that was about. Nope no one else is sick.


how does ibuprofen help?


Thanks everyone!

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