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I was about to take the rest of my dogs off to the vet today to get their annual shots when it occurred to me that Dr B mentioned our daughter staying away from live virus vaccines. I remember he said for her not to receive them but I believe to keep her away from kids/people who get them as well. Well, I called the vet and one of the vaccines they give is a modified live one. My daughter always has an exasperation this time of year and we've assumed it was allergies, but we also always get our four inside dogs vaccinated at this time of year. Could this cause a reaction? The one in question is call Canine Distemper-adenovirus Type 2 parainfluenza-Parovirus vaccine-leptospira canicola-grippo-typhosa-ictrohaemorrhagiae-pomona bacterin. I guess it is more commonly know as distemer/parvo/leptospiris vaccinine. Anyone know anything about this? I contacted Dr. B via email and will let you know what he says.


I am very interested in this, my dog is due for his shots too. I really try not to overvaccinate them, so I spread it out longer than protocol, but he's due. Also, would you mind PM'ing me Dr. B's email? I can't seem to find it and have a hard time reaching him. My messages seems to get lost when I leave them on the vm...


my daughter 8 months had a live oral vaccine. No one in my house had a problem. The vaccines that you are giving your dog are generally only canine diseases, except the lepto.


So your child can not get canine distemper etc. I was a vet tech for a long time and as of 5 years ago the lepto part was a killed vaccine.


I personally do not give my dogs vaccines Dhlpp (distemper combo) more than every 3 years if they are adults.....A lot of offices here have developed the same policy.


Ok. I went on http://www.merial.ca/dogs/recombitek.asp and it said most of these are not related to humans at all but it did say something about Leptosporosis being contagious for dogs and humans.

"Canine Leptosporosis:


Leptospirosis is a contagious bacterial infection caused by organisms that can survive in surface waters for extended periods. Animals and humans can become infected by ingesting contaminated feed or water. Symptoms include sudden slight weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting, fever, and mild conjunctivitis in the early stage. Later stages of the disease are characterized by labored breathing, strong thirst, back pain, and abrasion-like patches in the mouth."


The vet specifically said that it was a modified live vaccine. Not sure what that even really means.....


Probably nothing to worry about but I'm still thinking about just leaving this vaccine off our agenda for a while. My dogs are rarely anywhere besides my home.


Lepto is a spirochete like lyme. Animals and people get it thru infected urine. so say your dog walks thru the grass where a possum thats infected just peed. Then your dog licks his feet... or your dog drinks out of a stagnant puddle. Thats how your dog gets infected.


How old is the dog? if dog is 3 and had all shots till now , you can wait 3,years. Some of the lepto cant be removed from vax.


Modified live vax means that the pathogen has been modified so it can not cause the disease but parts of the germ is present so immune system will react and create antibodies.



If you need helo finding info on vax every 3 years lmk, I can find it


Modified live vax means that the pathogen has been modified so it can not cause the disease but parts of the germ is present so immune system will react and create antibodies.



If you need helo finding info on vax every 3 years lmk, I can find it



Ask your vet, also about the bordetella vaccine (if you get that one.) It is a live vaccine. The first year our dog got it (he had to since we occasionally have to board him.) The vet told us to keep the kids as far away as possible for about a week. Well, the kids still got sick. Then, the vet told us there was a slightly less effective one (have to do it more often,) but it is a killed vaccine. Ask your vet about it. I don't know what we're going to do this year, because the dog had seizures following his last one (they're not sure it was from the vaccine, but we did cancel the 2nd shot he was going to get because of it.)


Also, just like humans, make sure your dog isn't sick when you give the vaccines.


unless your dog goes to be boarded or dog parks or anywhere where there are a lot of dogs, I wouldnt give the kennel cough vax. Its not needed. keep in mind Vet hospitals are businesses. They want to make money, and skipping vaccines like this keeps your bill down.


I was a hospital manager and saw some messed up stuff. Doctors suggesting meds that were not the best because they got a discount on it therefore making more money


My suggestions on dogs 3 and over


dhlpp (distemper combo) every 3 years


Rabies as required by law in your state


thats it,



if you need to board your dog then you may need more


but totally skip Lyme vaccines!!! Just use advantix regularly


my dogs do not have Lyme but I do!!!

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