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So dd10 who has a history of joint pain and limb pain with lyme has had no pain for a long time now. Yesterday she suddenly developed a headache, back ache, neck pain, aches all over and overall not feeling well and a rash on her torso. It looked like meningitis possibly or the flu but she never developed a fever. Since urgent care was closed I decided against ER unless she got a fever which she never did.


This morning she mostly has joint pain in her wrists, elbows and ankles, tired and still has head/neck/back pain.


I guess it's a virus but how would I know if it's a resurgence of lyme? We have been off all abx and only doing natural treatment for 4 months now. Overall I believe our natural treatment is working great.


We are going to urgent care this morning and will call our wellness doc who is treating our lyme after that.




Hope the doctors have answers for you! FWIW - I was sidelined yesterday with a 24 hr bug. Could not move off the couch - excruciating muscle and joint pain (tho I did have a fever). I had new found sympathy for those lyme patients who have to live with this every day. So here's hoping DDs issue was a short lived virus and nothing more!


Thank you LLM! Except for the fever, what you had sounds very similar to what she is experiencing.


I took dd in today and he agrees it's not meningitis and is a bad virus. She is in a lot of pain today. Doc said if it is not gone in a week to look into lyme again but otherwise he'd expect it to be gone by the end of the week.


I am worred about lyme though since we are off abx. But, this afternoon I find myself getting a headache and some weird pains so maybe I'm getting the virus too. Hopefully not!




It's always a relief when DS15, DH or I get flu symptoms when DD10 gets them. If we don't, I keep thinking lyme flare. But then again if DS15 gets something we don't, I think maybe he has lyme too... This is not fun to be second guessing all the time. Glad you ruled out meningitis.

  • 2 weeks later...

OK, so a week later (tuesday), dd10 comes down wtih a cough and a fever (103+). Turns out she got the flu and strep. This is our first strep since we started daily 500mg of zith 3 years ago. She came off all abx the end of january to treat lyme with naturals. Now 3 months later she's got strep when it seems no one else has it in her school that I know of anyway.


The good news is she's not reacting to it like PANDAS but she did get increased anxiety and has started having some trouble in school over the past two months. So now I'm wondering if she still has hidden strep and it took a litle while for it to come out. She's reacting to the tamiflu and is getting emotional and difficult and I can tell it's going to be a hard recoveray if I keep her on tamiflu. Last time she was on it (probably 3 years ago) it caused some sort of tourettes type symptoms. I'm not sure if I have the courage to keep her on it.



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