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DD5 just started on A-bart on Thursday. She is currently on Augmentin and Azithromycin for PANDAS and ehrlichiosis. Also she was exposed to rocky mountain spotted fever and typhus. LLMD thinks she may also have bartonella which is why we started on the A-bart. We do 1 drop 2x per day.


Tonight after we put her to bed she called us back up saying her wall was tilting and spinning. Is hallucinations a side effect? I think I may lower her dosage to 1 drop per day.


When we ramped up too quickly on A-Bart, my DD10 had an almost immediate (15 minutes after administration) exacerbation of her bart symptoms - headache, shin and foot pain, increased motor and vocal ticcing. It was very obvious. Her symptoms had not been that bad for a while. We took only 3 days to go from 2 drops 2x per day to 6 drops 2x per day. After that we decreased and then increased by 1 drop 2x per day once a week. We are now at 18 drops 2x per day. Just wondering if your daughter was experiencing dizziness as opposed to hallucinations.


I think tomorrow we will just do 1 drop in the AM. I do now think it is more like dizziness because she says she can feel it. And its only when her eyes are closed.

I also think I didn't space the drops in time today as much as I should have.

Thanks for your response.

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