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I do plan on having a meeting with her soon as I need to either find out if she is willing to be on this team, or not. Ian has a great PANDAS doc, neurologist and a therapist on board. I feel like we are at least working on things from a few directions. But his pediatrician has always made it clear that she isn't really on board with PANDAS and frankly, she doesn't seem that interested. I am going to give it one more chance by sitting down and talking to her directly about this. But once that happens, I am likely going to have to find someone that is invested in this. I can't travel an hour for pediatrician, I need someone close so when he is sick I can take him in. Someone that works with our local hospital. But I am not sure how to go about finding one? I can look over lists and lists of Drs that practice around here, but I don't physically have the time to go through and meet with each and every one. I can't take time off of work to search endlessly. So how do you go about finding someone that will be on your team, without having to sift through 10s of hundreds of doctors?




I would ask parents of autistic.kids. They really seemed to have fleshed out done doctors, at lest on my area. Another option might her to look for docs who.are open to no vax-they seem to be a.little more open minded in general.


Unfortunately we don't have many peds or Ped offices where we live. I sat down with my short list and started making phone calls. I asked, "do you treat kids with PANDAS?" if the office didn't even know what it was I moved on. Then I found one that had seen another PANDAS child and was willing to see our ds. However, I am not really sure how 'on board' he is at times. I think he is not comfortable that he is not the lead in my ds health, but frankly he does not know enough to be. I only go to him for general stuff. Last time was for wart on foot. I see him more with my dd.


I would ask parents of autistic.kids. They really seemed to have fleshed out done doctors, at lest on my area. Another option might her to look for docs who.are open to no vax-they seem to be a.little more open minded in general.


these are great ideas. Do you know of any links that would help get us on track?


I would suggest also talking to friends about who they use. I've found that folks were usually more than willing to give honest opinions about their doctors and you could get an idea about how they operate (my way/highway vs. open to new ideas) before contacting their offices.


There are.some links to pro-life organizations that do not vax or are selective for pro-life reasons. I am sure there are others, but" children of God for life" is the one I know of, off the top of my head.

For autism friendly peds, I am not sure, totally. I think I could find out for my community from a community yahoo group we have . It is not specific for kids or autism, but an excellent way to get community info. Maybe you can go to yahoo and see if there are any groups like that for your geographical area.

A developmental ped is as great idea, too.


Keep in mind if you are calling tge receptionist and say that you have a pandas.kid, they are not going to have a clue. So their reaction prob doesnt count. Try to get office manager or medical director.


I found my ped through dr sears site.


Here's another possible route: http://vaxtruth.org/anti-vaccine-friendly-doctors/


This website has two separate lists of "pro-vaccine-choice friendly" doctors. These are most likely to be open-minded doctors who often deal with chronic-illness, autism, ADHD, etc on a regular basis, so very possible they will already know about PANDAS. The lists are organized by state.


I'm actually planning to use these to find a new pediatrician in our area. I am just so tired of ours zoning out or getting uncomfortable when I say PANDAS, Lyme or OCD. And I'm especially tired of them trying to sell me on a new round of vaccines at every sick visit.

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