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does anyone know if strep lives on surfaces

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I don't know, but I've added spraying every possible surface in my house with Lysol part of my weekly cleaning ritual.


We did a MASSIVE clean and sterilization when my son had his T&A in November - wanted a super clean slate when it was over. At that time, my husband and I decided we should invent the "lysol bomb". Sort of like a bug bomb/fogger - yyou set it in your house and leave for a couple of days and it disinfects everything!!!

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Months :(


"In a systematic review of the literature, German researchers explored the ability of infectious organisms to survive on inanimate surfaces.1 They found that most gram-positive bacteria, including vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and Streptococcus pyogenes can survive for months on dry surfaces. "



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I am going to go nuts cleaning. Bleach is my friend.


I am ready to throw a grenade in my house and be done with it.


Ticks are out in full force too...causing serious anxiety


Peroxide is a good cleaning agent as opposed to bleach. It is more environmentally friendly and still disinfects as well.



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Our son just had the H1 flu- funny we- the ped and I were actually gloriously happy that it was the flu. He had a mild case she almost didn't test but did just for giggles- so glad she did. When he started coughing and complaining of a sore throat it got me concerned. We've definitely been seeing some flares.


I've been going crazy with bleach on every surface as well- don't want the rest of us to get this awful flu.

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