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Two Questions

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We've used oral glutathione. DS felt it helped some, but it was pricey and I could only find research that said it was poorly absorbed. So as we added supplements and the monthly budget grew larger, we stopped. Some over on the lyme forum have used IV glutathione and some have experience with a glutathione cream.

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We started using IV glutathione long before my DD (now 16) was diagnosed with PANDAS (age 7) and Lyme/Bartonella/MycoP (age 15). She had severe colitis as a very young child and was allergic to almost every type of food. The IV glutathione, which DD did monthly for 2 years, cleaned up her gut completely and with the exception of dyes and additives she can now eat anything. It really helped her immune system! Because her MD is 4 hours away we no longer travel there monthly as we used to. Now, most consults are done on the phone. But when we do go there we make certain to do IV glutathione.

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I have 2 questions for those on this forum:


1 -Were your children on a lot of abx early in life (pre-PANDAS presentation)?


2 - Has anyone used IV glutathione, or any form of glutathione for that matter, in treatment?

Lots of abx - ear infections - uri - stomach flu - scarlet fever(approx 4 yrs old)

Sickly - would not be here without abx.


Have not done glutathione treatment - never offered.

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1) Yes, she had constant ear infections & ruptures, starting at 6 mos post-RSV infection (mild). First set of tubes at 10 mos & second set at almost 5 yrs. After that, went straight into constant strep throat infections. Dr. L suspects it's been strep her whole life.


2) No... we're looking into some other things currently, though.

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