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Hi everyone,

My ds's ASO titer has finally come within normal range after 1 1/2yrs! The Dnase B got within normal range 8mts ago, but we just checked the streptozyme and it's 200 (normal < 100). Does anyone know what this means? Does any of the pandas experts check this titer? Also, his titer trend seem to have no bearing on his symptoms!? They've been on a downward trend since we first starting checking 1 1/2yrs ago but in that same time-frame he's had exacerbations/remissions and now is at near his worst! Makes no sense to me. Regardless, just made app to see Dr K next month and hopefully ivig to follow. (I'll ask him about this) Any insight is appreciated, thanks.

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So far this is what I have found on the test:


"Streptozyme is a screening test used to detect antibodies to several streptococcal antigens. An antigen is a substance that can trigger an immune response, resulting in production of an antibody as part of the body's defense against infection and disease. The test is not as sensitive or specific as the ASO test, but can be performed within minutes, providing presumptive results that can be confirmed by use of the ASO or other more specific streptococcal antibody tests."


My link



A five page article: Specificity and Sensitivity of the Streptozyme Test for the

Detection of Streptococcal Antibodies


My link


We did not test for this on my kiddo, but I hope the links help you some and that someone who has some first hand knowledge comes along to better answer your questions.

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Thanks for the replies! So my next question - what do you do if it indicates he's a strep carrier? How do you eradicate strep carriage in a pandas child? What did they do for your husband socalmom? My son has been on keflex 250mg x2 daily for some time now. (also tried amox) Does it mean we need to keep experimenting with different antibiotics?

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