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Oh my gosh! I just can't even begin to voice how infuriated I am with this. If this is psychological then they need to tell us the mechanism of what's going on. There has to be a mechanism in the body. Oh what's that......they can't tell us???? That's because they don't know a mechanism!!!!!!!!! They are just throwing some diagnosis out there with NO, ABSOLUTELY NO scientific proof. This is just incredible to me. :(


Seigal, who originally supported PANDAS, wraps up the whole story while giving all the doctors a gold star. Now, no matter what happens, the story has been written...even including Dr. T's "good, caring intentions creating a placebo"





What blows my mind even more is that they only take part of what Dr. T. says: about the "medicine in their medicine cabinets" helping them, and doesn't put on the part where he said that so many of them tested positive for strep and mycoP. Once again...take part of the story, not all of it.


Personally, I think the girls and their families should back off of dealing with the media, do what they feel in their hearts to be correct...get them better, let everything die down, and then, later, let Dr. T. and the families catch DENT off guard, and get the truth out...with a lot more information rather than dribbling out.


I thank my lucky stars every day that I had the sense and resources to go somewhere othan than those types of doctors.


I think that if these were doctor's kids, and didn't live in a largely rural community, and didn't have relatively limited resources (financial/educational/medical), there is no way in ###### they'd be bulldozing them like this.


I thank my lucky stars every day that I had the sense and resources to go somewhere othan than those types of doctors.


I think that if these were doctor's kids, and didn't live in a largely rural community, and didn't have relatively limited resources (financial/educational/medical), there is no way in ###### they'd be bulldozing them like this.



CHOP does it all the time in the Philadelphia area. Last April (3 years after dx of PANDAS, plus IVIG and PEX tx, and 5 years after first getting sick), a local CHOP neurologist, who saw DS for Parkinson's-like tremors, told is it was "conversion disorder!" This was after HE had suggested PANDAS (during the examination), me saying: "yes, he's been diagnosed with it", and then voila...it's "conversion disorder!"


Even more interesting, DS is a boy.


Oddly, we had good luck with CHOP. That's where we got the plasmapheresis done.

Then again, we basically handed them a diagnosis on a silver platter.......years worth of strep tests, cunningham tests, videos of choreic movements (not that you couldn't see it with your own eyes, but it established a history).....


I thank my lucky stars every day that I had the sense and resources to go somewhere othan than those types of doctors.


Wow..isn't this the truth!! If we stuck with our initial pediatrician who told me that me my daughter's tics and behaviors were normal for kids her age ( never mind the fact that we were in her office every other week for strep for 6 months!) I often wonder where my daughter would be today.

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