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He probably was also spared a CD diagnosis because his onset seemed to be individual, rather than occurring alongside similar symptoms of others in his community.


The whole mapping thing is very interesting to me, but reading up on ergotism, it seems like a long shot. Plus, his symptomology doesn't entirely seem to fit, nor do the LeRoy girls'. Except that there may be a number of issues that have not been disclosed in the press or swept under the rug as lacking any significance in the current diagnostic picture, and maybe those would better support consideration of this?


Wonder if Dr. T. or someone can test for ergotism, too? At the least, it's another thing to rule out.


He probably was also spared a CD diagnosis because his onset seemed to be individual, rather than occurring alongside similar symptoms of others in his community.


The whole mapping thing is very interesting to me, but reading up on ergotism, it seems like a long shot. Plus, his symptomology doesn't entirely seem to fit, nor do the LeRoy girls'. Except that there may be a number of issues that have not been disclosed in the press or swept under the rug as lacking any significance in the current diagnostic picture, and maybe those would better support consideration of this?


Wonder if Dr. T. or someone can test for ergotism, too? At the least, it's another thing to rule out.


Yup, but the female nurse was individual, and SHE got a conversion disorder diagnosis. As far as I can tell the docs in the area hand-pick who gets a C.D. diagnosis based on if you are a male or a female.


I mentioned in another post, we've had 2/7 schools in my district near Philadelphia with several rooms closed off due to mold from the incredibly wet summer/fall/winter. This has never happened before in all the years ive been there. Plus I wonder if the quake created miniscule crakes allowing moisture and mold into places previously sealed off. We have one teacher in my elementary who has been in the hospital for several weeks due to lung complications from the mold.

It certainly seems worth exploring when you consider the timing.....why now? Why this year when the environmental disaster occurred over 40 years ago? Or perhaps all the water just brought the toxins to the surface. Perhaps the girls' story is giving more people courage to come forward.

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