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Ok, I feel as if I may drive myself dissecting every one of my child's behaviors. But, lately I have been noticing my 7 month old DD tiliting, somewhat jerking, her head to the left. What are the chnaces of noticing symptoms of PANS in a child so young? If it even is...


Bumping this up. I've no answer to your question but I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable might respond. Do you have a sympathetic doctor? If it was me I'd be seeing our naturopath for some testing. Hugs to you.


Does your other PANDAS child have tics that may manifest themselves that way? At this age, it also may be mimicry - I would look around to see if you see anyone else (human, animal or favorite TV character) doing something that she might be trying to copy.


I'm speaking from experience - my daughter started making these wird facial expressions when she was about the same age. We even went so far as to video tape them to show the doctor - we were sure she was having some sort of seizure or something. Turns out she was just trying to mimic our facial expressions - and it increased because she liked all the attention she was getting everytime we reacted to it. (like shoving the camera in her face so we had proof to show the doctor!)


The second we stopped paying attention to it - it stopped almost immediately.


I must admit - I did feel a bit silly after that doctor's appointment - but in the end, I'm still glad I went becasue it at least put my mind at ease.


Thanks everyone for checking this out. I did bring her to the pedi's yesterday. Her "episodes" last between 3-10 seconds. It looks almost like a seizure. Her pedi said it could be shudder attacks. Which aren't seizures and have no neurological base. But I am bringing her in for an EEG tomorrow. I'll let you all know how it goes. Thanks again.


If it were my tiny 7 month old I would high tail it to the nearest Children's Hospital to see a pediatric neurologist. Sounds like you are concerned and this may be something going on that has nothing to do with PANDAS, just as possibly as it might. Too young to wait and my faith in pediatricians is pretty low, generally.


Ok, I feel as if I may drive myself dissecting every one of my child's behaviors. But, lately I have been noticing my 7 month old DD tiliting, somewhat jerking, her head to the left. What are the chnaces of noticing symptoms of PANS in a child so young? If it even is...



Wow Colleen! My dd7, presented with 3 to 5 second seizures and neck jerking tic at the age of 6 months immediately following her dtap vaccine. Her doctor referred to these movements as tourettes like, and chorea movements. We had an EEG done and thankfully everything came back normal. This episode lasted 14 days and abruptly stopped. Fast forward 3 years and she developed crazy frequent urination, which was found to be asymptomatic strep. One course of antibiotics took care of that. Fast forward 2 more years, she presented with the same crazy urination, only this time developed OCD and anxiety. 2 courses of antibiotics and she was back to 100%. Fast forward another year, she came home with sore throat that tested positive for strep, only this time, no Pandas symptoms at all.


Let us know how her EEG turns out. Sending prayers your way.


We had her EEG today. Won't be getting the results for a few days. I have been watching her closely and the movements have lessened. What it looks like when she does it, is kind of like the rooting reflex. I nurse her, so of basically looks like she is looking for my boob, lol. I really hope all is well with her. I may ask for a neurologist referral. DD5 PANDAS, goes the end of February, so I may bring little Lucy with us.


She actually did get her PCV13 vax in mid December. Do you typically see vax reactions pretty much immediately or could it take weeks? I have been watching her close today and haven't really noticed it as much of at all. I hope whatever it was is just a fluke.


She actually did get her PCV13 vax in mid December. Do you typically see vax reactions pretty much immediately or could it take weeks? I have been watching her close today and haven't really noticed it as much of at all. I hope whatever it was is just a fluke.


In my daughters case, the seizures started within 4 hours of the dtap, followed by the neck jerking tic that lasted for another 14 days. I have refused any more dtaps. My doctor wants to give a Tetanus booster later on this year. I haven't decided on that yet.


My DD's EEG came back normal. I am bringing her along with PANDAS DD's Children's Hospital neuroligist in February for him to have a look at her.I did notice the movements yesterday. Haven't noticed them once today.

Her pedi thinks it could be baby self stimulatory behaviors. When I google it, I see a lot that says early signs of autism. But then again, she doesn't fit any other autism signs. She is meeting all of her milestones, has said her first word, mama :), makes eye contact, responds to her name and interacts with my other children.


Then another site said the head rocking movements are common with teething babies. She is cutting 2 teeth now.


I'm hoping this neuroligist appointment goes well.


Thanks again everyone.

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