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Buried in my way too long reply to another post is this link from yesterday's WSJ




Tho she only touches on methylation, it does answer the question about why some of us geeks are so excited about the MTHFR gene and using methylfolate. (You can buy l-methylfoloate from Thorne and others for far less money than Deplin - http://thorne.com/Products/Circulatory-Support/Cardiovascular_Health/prd~B129.jsp) $17.50 for 2 months vs.$98/mo. For most adults, 1 mcg/day is sufficient. My DD6 takes half a capsule/day.


It is not a silver bullet, IMO, but it does help.


So what is L-5 methyltetrahydrofolate? (say that 10 times fast) :P DS takes 800 mcg everyday from Metagenics.


Buried in my way too long reply to another post is this link from yesterday's WSJ




Tho she only touches on methylation, it does answer the question about why some of us geeks are so excited about the MTHFR gene and using methylfolate. (You can buy l-methylfoloate from Thorne and others for far less money than Deplin - http://thorne.com/Products/Circulatory-Support/Cardiovascular_Health/prd~B129.jsp) $17.50 for 2 months vs.$98/mo. For most adults, 1 mcg/day is sufficient. My DD6 takes half a capsule/day.


It is not a silver bullet, IMO, but it does help.


Sorry - I meant to type L-5 methyltetrahydrofolate from Thorne and that the bottle we buy is capsules of 1 mg each, not 1 mcg. So similar to your son, DD takes 500 mcg, seems to be similarly priced.


The problem with Deplin is that it does NOT come dye free and you can't get it compounded. My DD takes 5-MTHF (L-Methylfolate), 10 mg.


The problem with Deplin is that it does NOT come dye free and you can't get it compounded. My DD takes 5-MTHF (L-Methylfolate), 10 mg.



Which doctor did you use to test for this?


Our DAN doctor ordered the MTHFR genetic test but it can be ordered by your pediatrician. It's a simple blood test. We did ours at the local community hospital lab.


Our DAN doctor ordered the MTHFR genetic test but it can be ordered by your pediatrician. It's a simple blood test. We did ours at the local community hospital lab.



Thank you. We've been dealing with methylation issues being tested by our holistic chiropractor, but it may not hurt to have actual blood testing done. I'll talk to our DAN doc about it.

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