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On February 1st 2006 My 4 year old son began blinking his eyes and twiching his nose constantly while watching TV or playing games. I also noticed that while I would read to him he would twich his nose and blink as though he could not control it. I asked him to stop and he continued to do it. I asked him if his eyes hurt or bothered him and he said no. I read that stopping dairy products could help with tics so I took away Milk, eggs, chocolate and Peanut butter I did it for a few days but It did not help so I started to give him the Milk and eggs again since he loves Milk especially with his Ovaltine and of course milk does a body good :) although I continued to leave out the Peanut Butter. I took him to the eye doctor who said nothing was wrong with him and that he did not seem to have any eye allergies. After a few weeks I decided I would take him to his pediatrician since his blinking just became worse and I began to feel horrible and cry at night because I was so worried. His Pediatrician told me that it was a nervous tic and that It happens to many children in different ways. His treatment was for me to take him to the park have him play for hours until he gets exhausted and don't mention or talk about the blinking to him or in front of him. So I did I took him to the park everyday and on rainy days I took him to Indoor playgrounds in the area. I did not mention any more blinking to him and to my surprise the blinking STOPPED!!!! I was so excited that the pediatrition was right I was so scared about what my sons condition could possibly be. He has not returned to his blinking habit and I continue to take him out for walks and do different activities with him every day so he is not bored and he does not get nervous from just being home. I thought I would share my experience because I think this could help you if your child is doing the same thing. Good Luck!!! I hope this helps.




Thanks so much for sharing your son's experience. How wonderful that just extra activities helped. I do think there are many kids that have transient tics, seems like I have read up to 20% of elementary age kids?


Just a reminder in case this resurfaces, with food allergies/sensitivities, it can take in excess of a month for the offending food to sort of clear the system, I doubt that you would see a lot improvement within a few days. If your instinct is that these foods might be a problem, be sure to give it time if you try an elimination diet.


With my youngest son when ticcy, being involved in activities usually helped too. He seemed to tic more during quiet times like you described (watching tv, being read to). Will still notice it occasionally, but I'm pretty sure we have a ways to go with gut healing with him.


It might not be a bad idea to keep an eye out for artificial colors and preservatives in his diet, and give him a good childrens multi vit. if he's not taking one, just for good measure.


Hope you keep us posted :)



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