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Yes, I was dumping both white and red blood cells into my urine. I had periodic urinary issues that consisted of urinary frequency to bladder infections. If you goggle excess red and white blood cells in urine it points to chronic infection or cancer. In our case, I was eventually diagnosed with Lyme Disease plus co-infections of Bartonella and Babesia. Older son was originally diagnosed with PANDAS but we eventually discovered he had similar infections and suffers from congenital Lyme Disease.


Good luck, I'd keep looking for other infections beyond strep if you haven't already.


it can also be from some kind of trauma-- even an elbow or a basketball to the side- in just the "right" spot- can do it. OUCH!


any chance of something like that?

Hope it turns out OK!


My son now has red blood cells in urine? Anyone else have this?

My daughter (non Pandas) had this. Turned out to be a bladder infection.


This tends to come from kidney issues, and could be related to cancer.


My non PANDAS son always has RBC in urine with no cause. Nephrologist says some kids just do, it has a name but I cant recall. The doctor said it could be calcium crystals in urine cause small cuts in kidneys and sometimes this causes kidney stones later in life. My son is 18 and has had RBC in urine for as long as I can remember.

My PANDAS kids and myself have sugar in our urine when we are sick. It is called genetic glucourea(or something like that). Our blood glucose is always fine but kidneys spill sugar when we are sick.

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