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Hi there, can anyone tell me the difference between IGG and IGA testing? My friend just had her son tested IGG by a DAN doctor but when speaking to a regular allergy doctor he told her that the IGG was useless and that one should only pay attention to the IGA test. Her son's IGG test showed allergy to 27 foods where as his IGA test showed only nuts. We had IGG testing done and avoid all that it said to great benefit but wanted the facts to tell her.






Try the Primary Immunodeficiency Foundation's website.


The little I have read about IgA is technical and confusing.


Since I'm still trying to get a handle on calcium (been giving calcium carbonate...and reading this one may be high in lead) I kind of skimmed the IgA issues.


If you find something interesting, be sure to let us know!




Hi Giselle,


IGG reactions are foods that cause an immune reaction (typically known as allergies). Their usually your favorite foods and after a while of avoiding them you usually can reintroduce them. IGA reactions attack the gut. They usually don't go away and appear to be genetically linked. This website explains it more: http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/rwgully/basics/gluten.htm



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