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Age of Autism ran this piece this morning and its great they are connecting autism and PANDAS. However, not one word about the Lyme connection (and I admit I skimmed some of it, as I'm in a rush, so there's a possibility I missed it). If you have the time and desire, please comment so that people with an interest know how many of these kids also have Lyme. Its something I never see mentioned on Age of Autism, and I'm not sure why.




When I took my son to Columbia for a Lyme evaluation I was told that they had a child come in who was sudden onset severe autism. He was completely cured with only 6 weeks of iv antibiotics. He only had the severe autism symptoms for months before he was treated. I can't remember the exact age of the child but it was in the 6,7,8 range.


I believe my DD's autism (diagnosed at 24 mos) and PANDAS (initial onset at 29 mos) was Lyme-induced. You would never know now, at age 15, that she was ever on the autism spectrum and her PANDAS has been in remission for almost 1 1/2 years (the longer ever remission). Now if we can just eradicate the last two symptoms: anxiety and OCD. They are much more maneagable since beginning Bartonella treatment but still have a ways to go. Will test KPU this month and may have to switch back to Rifampin for a while.


Well I have to agree. I was shocked when I moved to my area (NW suburb of Philadelphia) and I was told there was something in the water b/c so many kids were on the autism spectrum. But I wasn't worried b/c my kids were 4 and 7 and seemed perfectly healthy....till 7 months later when my daughter had chronic strep throat and along the way of testing the family, my son was a carrier. After her tonsils came out, a new child emerged, a completely different child. Over a few week period, she developed severed OCD, anxiety, facial and hand tics, insomnia, would stare at me like she wasn't in her body and I said to my mom that is she wasn't 8 yrs. old and was only 3 or 4 I would say she was autistic. But she was dx'd w/ PANDAS by Dr. E in Philly, Dr. T and Dr. B...we kept seeking new dr's when we weren't making gains and because a month after DD8, DS5 started w/ symptoms (some same, some different). It was insanely hard to comprehend, deal with, etc...like you all know on this forum. Thank goodness for Dr. J who reread their Igenex test and saw the high titers for Bartonella and we were able to turn this thing around for both kids. They are in a great place now. Some OCD lingers for my DD but she has a nut allergy so her fears are valid when it comes to food and contamination but it certainly doesn't define her life anymore. I thank God for this forum b/c the parents on here are the ones who made me keep pushing for answer and not accepting that they must have been exposed to strep everytime they worsened...I learned later on it wasn't strep exposure. I took meticulous notes and it was an obvious Lyme and Bartonella die off cycle. It was like clockwork.


So yes, I believe Autism has multiple causes but as I look around my neighborhood and see so many children on the spectrum, I wish their parents knew to exhaust the Lyme avenue. Some think they have b/c their pediatrician ran a Lyme test. If I went by the Western Blot test alone from my local lab, I don't know where we'd be.

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