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Posted (edited)

Normally I would not video tape my son but I am desperate to help him here is 2 clips of what he is doing these are the small tics they get worse through out the day and they are now starting to happen multiple times in a row I noticed...




I can get a good video of the entire body one but its mostly when he walks



please help me find the answer to what I can do to help him he says it hurts him and he has bruzed toes and refuses to wear shoes because it hurts his feet when he twearls his toes. he does this over and over again all day sometimes he get 5-10 min break but it keeps coming back.


I searched the Sydenham's Chorea on you tube and his doe snot seem that extreme as that one is.

Edited by NEWARK
Posted (edited)

the links did not seem to work ( for me anyway). your description sounds similar to my child's movements. They were called chorea.


Videotaping is a good idea! There have been several times when either for our purposes, (to compare changes in movements) or for doctors (whether for her diagnosis or for their research) have wanted to see video.

Keeping a written timeline of symptoms/medications/changes/etc is also extremely helpful. You think you will never forget, but as things pile on-- you will!

Edited by PowPow

Links did not work for me either. If his movements are predominant when he walks, it does sound like Sydenham's Chorea. SC is a close cousin to PANDAS, sharing many of the same symptoms, but choreiform movements are the most noticeable symptom. SC is caused by an autoimmune reaction in the body after a strep infection. If you search on Sydenham's Chorea on youtube, you will find a few videos out there. We video taped our son as well and have shown it to several docs, and they always said, "that helps". It lets them see him at his worse at night, when the tics are bad and uncontrollable.


The main thing I would recommend is to get him on antibiotics immediately if not already...get any strep cleared. Then, get a doctor who will prescribe a prophylactic antiobiotic to prevent strep again. A child can get strep even on proph abx, but it is better than nothing.

Posted (edited)

hi everyone I fixed the links and researched the Sydenham's Chorea the description sounds it could be it but the videos I am finding have kids that have it very different then his. His are like spassems. The videos show continues flow of movement his stop and go over and over again and sometimes its like 3 or 5 times in a row and its short twitches multiple times in a row. I hope video works its so hard describing this.

Edited by NEWARK

the links did not seem to work ( for me anyway). your description sounds similar to my child's movements. They were called chorea.


Videotaping is a good idea! There have been several times when either for our purposes, (to compare changes in movements) or for doctors (whether for her diagnosis or for their research) have wanted to see video.

Keeping a written timeline of symptoms/medications/changes/etc is also extremely helpful. You think you will never forget, but as things pile on-- you will!



do you by any chance have a video of your childs movements you would be willing to share with me so I can see if they are similar?



hi everyone I fixed the links and researched the Sydenham's Chorea the description sounds it could be it but the videos I am finding have kids that have it very different then his. His are like spassems. The videos show continues flow of movement his stop and go over and over again and sometimes its like 3 or 5 times in a row and its short twitches multiple times in a row. I hope video works its so hard describing this.




I was able to view them...in the first video it appears as if he is having some facial tics with his mouth. He is doing purposeful movemments with the container in his hands so that would rule out seizure. Lying down in second one...seems like he is doing some scooting which may be sorta chorea like of he was standing. Hard to tell with him lying down?? I have seen choreic movements in patients sitting and standing and they look much different. Chorea tends to be more spasmodic and gross motor uncontrolled. His appear more purposeful and controlled- if that makes sense?? Like a complex motor tic. Still manipulating container well. Under his feet/legs etc. Chorea is almost wild in movements and uncontollable. I've seen folks knock things over or hit limbs unintentionally. He looks like he is in pain to me?? Does he improve if you treat for pain with Motrin or Tylenol?


I would suggest sharing video with Peds to get to Neurologist ASAP. Or, if you already have Neuro- share and get their opinon. I'm sorry- I don't know his history or circumstances. I think you have reason for concern- whether it's pain, complex tics or something more sinister I can't say from the brief videos. Keep us posted on what you find out.

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