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I have posted many articles relating to the vaccine issue. I think it's important to say that I only post all of these, more or less negative articles, because it's very easy to find many many articles that will tell you that they are very safe, and absolutely necessary.




Please notice this statement:


*Adolescent Vaccines in Development


Due to the complexity of the vaccine licensure process and the large number of vaccines on the horizon...............*


I strongly feel that this is an area where we cannot afford to be uninformed.


I'm wondering how many of our kids may be affected by the adjuvants, not just the mercury that has been removed from the majority, but may have contributed to an added risk of adverse reactions to further vaccinations or a worsening in existing conditions.


The purpose of an adjuvant is to stimulate the immune system.








The majority of the Pub Med articles, talk about the safety of adjuvants. Again, after reading Evidence of Harm, I feel that some of the safety studies performed, are much to small, to have realistic odds of including a subset of people that may be adversly affected by these substances. Sometimes the amount of time that the studies track, is incredibley short also.


Matt's recent post about his daughter's overactive (hyper) immune system, prompted me to post these thoughts.


I'm hoping we can discuss this subject, and I would love to know how many feel vaccines have played a part in the increase in neurological conditions, and whether you plan on continuing to vaccinate.


I'm struggling with "can I afford to continue vaccinating my guys? Can I afford not to?"


I know two families that have dealt with menningitis. One lost their beautiful teenage daughter, the other almost died. These are not easy decisions.


Is anyone discussing vaccines/boosters with their Alternative/DAN Drs.?

  • 3 weeks later...

If this is a legitimate study, the peer review will be interesting.

This is the site that this was supposed to have come from http://home.sprynet.com/%7Eschafer/

It's a no cost subscription site.


Vaccines show sinister side


By pieta woolley

Publish Date: 23-Mar-2006



If two dozen once-jittery mice at UBC are telling the truth

postmortem, the world’s governments may soon be facing one ###### of a

lawsuit. New, so-far-unpublished research led by Vancouver

neuroscientist Chris Shaw shows a link between the aluminum hydroxide

used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s,

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), and



Shaw is most surprised that the research for his paper hadn’t been

done before. For 80 years, doctors have injected patients with

aluminum hydroxide, he said, an adjuvant that stimulates immune



“This is suspicious,” he told the Georgia Straight in a phone

interview from his lab near Heather Street and West 12th Avenue.

“Either this [link] is known by industry and it was never made

public, or industry was never made to do these studies by Health

Canada. I’m not sure which is scarier.”


Similar adjuvants are used in the following vaccines, according to

Shaw’s paper: hepatitis A and B, and the Pentacel cocktail, which

vaccinates against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and a type

of meningitis.



For full article see above

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