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Most of you know an Antiviral would of kept my DS out of the hospital. We had a change in 36 hours and we do one thing at a time. Herpes viruses are stealth viruses and able to cross the blood brain barrier, BBB. They are prevalent also in Autism, MS, and Alzheimers. A Dr. at the NW conference doesn't give relevance to titers and therein lies a big misconception that most Drs believe.


Our IGG titers were 16X higher than normal. Our Dr treats anything over 4x. Normal, zero titers in 6 months. Huge behavior improvement.


We have been taking Valacyclovir 1,000/Mg 3/day for 2 years. DS was 11 and around 120lbs. I think we started with 2 pills and after 2 weeks added the 3rd. Only side effect we were told about was spaciness. We didn't have an increase in his vocal tic, it disappeared.


We continue prophylatically. Valcyte is better and our Dr also follows Dr. Montoya from Stanford, but a lot more expensive.


Our other son was put on this for 7 years starting at age 2 for repeated multiple cold sores. knowing what I know now, I truly believed we dodged an Autism bullet. He has dyslexia and Irlen. Is in college and started having fatigue issues and his titers were way up again. Probably from poor diet.


My Father-in-law at age 89 got Alzheimers in a week. I said he looked just like our DS. Confused, Irritable, OCD, smell sensitivities. We did titers on him and put him on 1 pill a day. Next day he was worse and I was worried but the next day huge improvement until we got him fully back.


Another thought. When we had the blue pills our DR makes us rinse off the dye because it will cause symptoms in some kids, especially mine who is hyper sensitive.


Our doctor specified the white pills. She is supposed to be taking it twice a day but I only started it once a day to avoid any herx. I guess it's safe to go on up on the dose then.



Posted (edited)

We switched to the white because he continued to improve but our DR said the blue sometimes works better. Like everything else each kid is different.

We started at 120lbs, Valacyclovir and 1,000mg/3/day. Still on that dose almost 3 years later.

Edited by 3bmom

Three of us taking 3 grams of Valtrex a day. Been a year now. Virus loads coming down slowly. Take supplements like Enhansa also for viruses. We never herxed when starting. No overnight changes but son with PANS didn't really tic either.

Doc told us to wash the blue off of Valtrex as it contains aluminum. Too much work to do for 9 pills a day. Using white only brand now.

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