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Just published: "Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A New Frontier for Occupational Therapy Intervention"

Please see the current issue of OT Practice, an official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association, for a very readable and informative article.


Enhanced by a beautiful and professional layout design, this journal article gives readers an overview of PANDAS, specific tips and techniques to help deal with symptoms, and a helpful list of resources and references. Co-authored by Janice Tona, PhD, OTR and Trudy Posner, MS, OTR, it is the first report of its kind and a welcome addition to the literature on PANDAS/PITANDS.


Readers learn how these conditions can affect children functionally, especially in the school environment, and suggestions are offered on how to address these concerns. A special highlight of the article is a chart that targets specific symptoms or problems and gives recommended interventions from an occupational therapy perspective.


See examples of possible problems, for which targeted suggestions are given, below. Note: While some of the recommendations include skills used by occupational therapists, many can also be used by teachers (and family), making the chart helpful for development of 504 plans or classroom IEP interventions.


Just a few of the symptoms for which recommendations are given in the summary chart on page 17:



Weak muscle tone

Joint pain

Handwriting decline

Memory and attention problems

Language difficulties

Decline in math skills

Slow processing

Click here to read. You should be taken directly to the article. If your browser takes you to the American Occupational Therapy Association website, click the link for the current issue and go to page 14.


Please spread the word! Sheila

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