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Mark another one for the "Are you kidding me? Does this EVER end?" file!


Dr. M advised us to have the whole family (dogs included) tested/put on abx prior to my son's surgery to be sure that all strep is cleared from the house.


Dogs to the vet - got abx - check!

My husband and I checked out - got z-packs as precaution - check!

PANDAS daughter to the pediatrician for a strep test and abx refill - Problem!


She went off abx about 2 1/2 weeks ago from her last strep infection, and her largest exacerbation to date (nothing compared to my son though!!) We saw a bit of the mood swings return, but nothing that wasn't manageable with typical behavior techniques. At school, the teacher reported an upswing in seperation anxiety (crying at least once a day for us), and seperating herself from her classmates during social times. It was all manageable though, so we decided to keep her off abx until the surgery - because she had some mild stomach issues with the 30 day course, so we'd give her a break. Our son stayed on his abx.


Had an appointment pre-scheduled for yesterday, when on Sunday she said her throat tickled. We were at Busch Gardens (blowing off steam for the 4 year old prior to 2 weeks of no activity!) and she had just gotten off her favorite roller coaster, she said it was from screaming, and I asked her a few more times throughout the day - nothing.


She seemed fine yesterday going to school. I did the Teach In at her class. I could visibly see her breaking down as my presentation went on...as it came closer and closer to being time for me to go, she started just going to pieces. She was a wreck when it came time for me to leave. The teacher handled it AWESOME!


I should've figured she'd be postive.


We spent ALL weekend moving furniture, cleaning, doing all of the heavy lifting, and sanitizing ALL of their toys and stuffed animals. We have a cleaning crew coming tomorrow to finish the job, and we got all new bedding, pillows, toothbrushes, etc...to put out tomorrow after the surgery.


Now I have to go back and re disinfect all the stuff in her room and the toy room...does it ever end???

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