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DH results:

CD57 low but not below 60

Western Blot: IgG P58 positive, IgM P23 Positive

Vitamin D: 11.4 (normal 32-100)

antiDNase B - 340 (normal below 85) Thought this was interesting. We had not tested this yet even with PANDAS dx. Any thoughts?


My results:

CD57 44 (reference 60-360)

Western Blot: IgM P23 positive

Vitamin D: 26 (normal 32-100)


DS8: PANDAS dx in 2010, high strep titers, CamK 164 and D2 neuronals significantly elevated; has had 4 IVIG's and been on Penicillin for one year (we just switched to Zithro)

CD57 42 (reference 60-360)

IgG, Sublass 2: LOW (still low like it was last Summer when we got PANDAS dx)

Western Blot: IgG P41 Positive

Vitamin D: 18 (normal 32-100)


DS6: Suspected PANDAS. Never had high strep titers, CamK 179 but no elevated neuronals; just started on Zithro prophylactic

CD57 23 (reference 60-360)

IgG, Sublclass 2: LOW (was not below normal last summer but is now)

Western Blot: Nothing Present

Vitamin D: 15 (normal 32-100)


So now I am just confused. Should we pursue further Lyme testing since some bands were positive? I do not EVER recall being bit by a tic, but DH has pulled "hundreds" off him in his lifetime growing up outdoors in the country, hunting and fishing. Is this a "where there is smoke there may be fire" kind of thing? I am just overwhelmed now. Could I have gotten it from him and then passed to the kids? Is one or two bands even worth further testing? All co infections in both boys (did not test DH or myself) were negative as was Myco P.


Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated!




This is a dicey question to ask on this board. There will be some who say DEFINITELY you have Lyme! Others will say the opposite. I can't offer you advice one way or the other. We still waffle about it. I suppose the ultimate question to ask those who recommend "A" or "B" is what has their outcome been in going that particular course with their "pandas" child.


I knew I might be stirring a little bit of the pot over here but I truly don't mean to. I am simply seeking honest and thoughtful opinions from anyone who might be able to provide some insight. Thank you for yours :)


This is exactly why I mentioned that I posted this as well on the Lyme board...


Oh, I by no means meant that you should NOT ask it! Ask away!! I'm all for hearing all the different opinions, treatments, outcomes, etc. Just remember they are only ONE person's situation, and all kids are so different. I hope you get some input here :)


From what I can see you should get on to a good Vit. D. supplement. I've been thinking about you all and hoping you are doing well. We are supposed to go see Dr. Infante next week. Still trying the more naturopathic/homeopathic stuff which has its ups and downs, but seems to be improving things little by little.


God bless!



From what I can see you should get on to a good Vit. D. supplement. I've been thinking about you all and hoping you are doing well. We are supposed to go see Dr. Infante next week. Still trying the more naturopathic/homeopathic stuff which has its ups and downs, but seems to be improving things little by little.


God bless!



Hi Holly! Thanks for checking in on us. We are doing OK. We see Dr. Infante the following week. We are just trying to decide is there something else lying beneath...after 1 high dose IVIG and 3 additional lower dose ones and 1.5 years of penicillin, the OCD and tics are still rearing their ugly heads and the worst for him is the cognitive dysfunction. He is such a smart young man but he can't concentrate for nothing and it is very hard to watch him struggle with that and his handwriting. Dr. Infante said he would be willing to do another IVIG pending insurance approval and Dr. C resuming her testing (he is relying very heavily on it). For now, we are ruling out other issues and we did change antibiotics so we will see how that goes. It was difficult for him to justify some of the tests we wanted to do (OATS, Neurotransmitters, etc) so we went to see Dr. Rao and he was very helpful and agreed it is good to look at the whole child and not just fixate on strep alone.


I think of you too Holly and am sorry we never were able to really get together! Keep up the good fight and stay in touch!





I am glad you had a good visit with Dr. Rao. I've always felt that he has a good handle on the totality of the situation. We are working

on getting a referral to go back to Dr. Infante for a check-up visit. Hoping the best for you all!



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