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Any ideas anyone? DS10 - PANDAS / Lyme / Bartonella / Mycoplasma - Diagnosed Pandas Sept 2010 / Lyme and Co's Jan 2011 - was really bad but got worse once we started Lyme treatment in January. Found him sharpening knives to take care of things in March 2011. Started IVIG every 2 months in April. Saw immediate improvement. Symptom free since June 2011- no titers for Lyme or co's. Last IVIG early October was 2 weeks late and OCD anxiety symptoms started creeping back in 2 weeks prior to this IVIG. Got worse afterwards. Happened to see LLMD and get blood drawn day after IVIG. Came back with increased strep titers (648 - his had previously been 8 and 50). Sed rate up and RMSF titers coming out. Added Augmentin XR 12 days ago to the cocktail ( Azith/Bactrim/Tindamax pulsed). Then noticed white on tongue, anal itching (sorry, but true) with redness, stomach aches, headaches, dry croupy cough. Had phone conf with LLMD -added in diflucan and niastatin yesterday. Well, today....bad....very bad! Aside from wanting to die, he is in severe stomach and bladder pain with headache. Is this normal with diflucan and lyme? My dd12 had similar feeling when she took diflucan. He has never had a yeast infection that I've known of. Waitin on docs to confer and call me back but I am concerned and wonder if I should recommend we stop all meds except diflucan? Any similar situations out there? Feel like we gained so much and now we are back to where we were a year ago! UUGGHHH! Poor Fella!!


Yeast die-off can be as bad as any of the other die-offs. You can see the extact same lyme symptoms, amplified symptoms and new ones. I would suggest using something to soak up the die-off, charcoal or bentonite clay and if its that bad go slower. What probiotics do you supplement with?


Thanks for the replies. We have been doing Theralac for a while, recently upped to 2 a day. We have never had a yeast infection until now. How do I treat for parasites? I have searched for a holistic doc nearby to help and there are none that are taking new patients. And, certainly not one that knows anything about lyme. I ran him into the pediatrician today as I am really concerned and heard that it's gotta be the stomach with all the meds he's on. he started him on prevacid. I am thinking I want to take him off everything for a week or two. However, I realize I am not the one with a medical degree and years of practice here! Thanks again! Oh....LLMD said he did not think this sounded like a die-off; he's thinking more an infection not touched yet. Waiting on them to have a meeting of the minds and let me know the outcome!


Thanks for the replies. We have been doing Theralac for a while, recently upped to 2 a day. We have never had a yeast infection until now. How do I treat for parasites? I have searched for a holistic doc nearby to help and there are none that are taking new patients. And, certainly not one that knows anything about lyme. I ran him into the pediatrician today as I am really concerned and heard that it's gotta be the stomach with all the meds he's on. he started him on prevacid. I am thinking I want to take him off everything for a week or two. However, I realize I am not the one with a medical degree and years of practice here! Thanks again! Oh....LLMD said he did not think this sounded like a die-off; he's thinking more an infection not touched yet. Waiting on them to have a meeting of the minds and let me know the outcome!


My son was put on a high dose of Diflucain and he had a lot of neurologic side effects (tremor, dizziness, agitation, and paranoia). we switched him to Lamisil and alternate with Sporonox.


Diflucain can kill Lyme but your son's response does have the "feel" of drug side effects rather than die-off. I hope they make changes and/or give you a new plan that he can tolerate better.


Thanks for the replies. We have been doing Theralac for a while, recently upped to 2 a day. We have never had a yeast infection until now. How do I treat for parasites?


My son has the anal itching too. Our LLMD said to treat for pinworms as a rule-out, but she believes it is yeast. You can treat pinworms with over-the-counter meds from your pharmacist, or a prescription. We got the prescription, and it's just 1 little pill. We tried that but the itching has continued. At least we ruled out pinworms. So now he is starting diflucan when the new prescription comes in.

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