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I read this article in an local magazine about apitherapy helping for all kinds of ailments. The lady writing the article was writing about her specific problem, post streptococcal reactive athritis. Bee stings helped alleviate her pain (!!) and reduce her inflammation.


Anyone into this????


I see where it could help specific joints,and systemic auto-immune sufferers think it maybe helpful to them- that would pretty neat if it worked for PANDAS!

The thought of getting my kid (especially one with OCD!) to stand for a bee sting would be unlikely, unfortunately.


and this from the mouth of a beekeeper & bee-lover :)


This made me recall reading from the site Stop Calling It Autism when the Dad had his revelation that his son could be cured. The child had come home from camp with some type of bug bites / rash etc all over him. The child had gone from severely ASD to near NT overnight. Dad made the connection and correct assumption that since the child's body had "something to react to" he had stopped reacting to his own brain- auto immune processes were working on the bug bites instead of his own self. Dad then went about his self designed program to help his son improve.


Basically same principle with bee stings- give the immune system something else to react to and work at besides itself...I don't know how this works but it could be dangerous if one were to have anaphylactic reation...also, I'm quite sure none of our children would sit still for repeated bee stings. At least, mine wouldn't- PANDAS or not!


Interesting concept, though. I get the premise- be interesting to see if it would work for PANDAS. Anyone have a kid volunteer? :o


Last summer my son got stung by a bee. He had a great three days after the sting! My son also does better after vaccines. Anything that gives his immune system something else to think about. I do not, at this point, have the courage for TSO.

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