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Do you ever feel like you are ready to just throw up your hands and quit? I swear today was one of those days! Sometimes I feel like we are getting no where... We have been trying to heal our sons for 5 yrs. We have tried dietary changes, homeopathic meds, epsom baths, magnesium, etc. Then we tried a more conventional approach and trreated with antibiotics and such. Now we are trying another combination btwn homeopathic and conventional. And my sons still Tic...


Maybe they do have tourettes, ocd, and odd like they were dx with 3.5yrs ago. Maybe I am causing more harm by trying all these other techniques/therapies.... All I know is tonight I yearned for ear plugs. I know this is not sympathic and is terrible to say but I could even show my love for my child tonight without my skin crawling from the snort noises and the sucking in noises. I know I am overly exhausted and a virus is causing havoc on everyone but somedays I want to just throw in the towel!


So how do you keep going? Do you ever wonder if it is really PANDAS? Yes 3 doctors have told us it is and only one said Tourettes/OCD. But still I wonder....


Any encouragement would be fantastic. Any help in deciphering this road less traveled would also be welcomed!!!


Thanks for letting me vent!!!

Hope everyone else is hanging in there!!!!

Take care,



I am new on the forum. My only son is been sick for 19 months. Very severe.


I read your story and I'm sorry for What you're been through. I often feel like you...but I ask you "please stay strong" you are an excellent mom!


I'm sending you my best wishes and a big hug.




Yes, our new specialist has treated other PANDAS kids and lyme kiddos too.


Have you considered IVIG and if not what is your thinking on this? Have you been to any of the various PaNDAS specialists referenced on this site? Just curious to get an idea of where you are at in the process.


Yes and no....

Yes we have been treated by Dr. L and are still her patients but we are now seeing another specialist that combines Dr. L's antibiotic protocols plus adds other treatments that are more homeopathic in nature.


No, at this time IVIG is not something we are considering. My why is very long but Dr. L agrees for now.




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