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I have not posted in a long time, but read daily. My question is about my 15 year old daughter (diagnosed with PANDAS at age 5). She is currently taking Augmentin XR 1,000mg twice per day and zithromax 250mg every other day.


Yesterday she had her eyes dilated for an eye exam. Within a few minutes of having the drops put in she became nauseated. About 2 minutes later she became very dizzy and then fainted. She had a headache and pressure behind her eyes for the rest of the day. Her BP was also much lower than it normally is- it was 80/50. The three drops she was given were 1. tropicamide, 2. proparacaine, 3. fluorescine Today she still has a lingering headache and a little pressure behind her eyes.


I am wondering if anyone has experienced this with their children with PANDAS.




HI Colleen,

I have a friend whose young daughter actually developed seizures after a similar exam. I think she has done a lot fo research on the drops. I do not think she also has PANDAS, but I think there may an autoimmune disorder involved also. (I cannot remember for sure). If you would like, I could connect you to her. PM me if you want.


Thank you for yor response. I just PM'd you.

I am wondering it it could be that her blood brain barrier is breached, thus allowing the medication to easily enter her brain OR... I am stumped and i am concerned.



Colleen- I'm so sorry this happened! Really not related, but my dd prior to her pandas treatment has chronically dilated eyes. Dr. K took one look at her and he knew. Whenever I would search it, it was always brain inflammation, TBI, drugs-overdose...nothing pleasant. But those things are systemic, inside out if you will. You are talking about a topical medication, outside in. Oiye. I have no idea. Have you tried emailing any of the pandas docs like Dr. T? He seems to love a diagnostic challenge.

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