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Does anyone else's child have red cheeks? What did docs tell you it was from?


My child has had rosy to bright red cheeks his whole life. It is in his infant chart that we retreived from the doc when he left town. We have heard the following explanations: Fifths disease, cold, heat, allergies, gluten, Lyme rash.


The reason I ask is that the last doctor (not our usual doctor) noticed that and has now referred us to an endocrinologist. He has also gained 60 pounds around the middle in the last two years and has the dreaded "buffalo hump". Also, his cholesterol and triglycerides are high and have been since he was eight.


We don't get in to the Endocrinologist until December 9, so now we wait and wonder what is up.


Does anyone else's child have red cheeks? What did docs tell you it was from?


My child has had rosy to bright red cheeks his whole life. It is in his infant chart that we retreived from the doc when he left town. We have heard the following explanations: Fifths disease, cold, heat, allergies, gluten, Lyme rash.


The reason I ask is that the last doctor (not our usual doctor) noticed that and has now referred us to an endocrinologist. He has also gained 60 pounds around the middle in the last two years and has the dreaded "buffalo hump". Also, his cholesterol and triglycerides are high and have been since he was eight.


We don't get in to the Endocrinologist until December 9, so now we wait and wonder what is up.


DS8 sometimes had red cheeks - looked like they had been slapped, or he'd been out in the cold wind. He has not had it in the past year since being on antibiotics. He ALWAYS had bright red ears. They are gone too.


Slapped cheeks are a symptoms of Fifth's Disease or Parvovirus! If an adult gets it, it can cause hot, swollen joints. I had it a number of years ago, and couldn't wear my wedding ring for nearly a year. The doctors thought it was Lyme, and treated me for a month with doxy, but it didn't get any better. I finally found a good rheumatologist after 1/2 a year (I think that's what he was), and he diagnosed it. Before that, I kept showing a lot of inflammation in my blood, but no one could figure out what it was. The doctor said it would go away on it's on in "about 1 year". It did, but I suspect it's still contributing.


All 3 of my boys had fifth's disease as toddlers. I'm sure all of these various infections, bacterial and viral, contribute to the overall picture.

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