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Has anyone had a child with a previous diagnosis of ADHD before PANDAS and after PANDAS experienced the intense hyperactivity? Our son was diagnosed with ADHD 2 years prior to having PANDAS at that time we had more of the inattentive and poor focus concern, not hyperactivity. Since having PANDAS (diagnosed May 2011) we initally struggled with the intense OCD and then it moved to intense hyperactivity and has been flip flopping ever since. If you have this same scenario, how are you dealing with this in school? My son is not able to focus and causing a lot of interuptions in class.




We did not have an ADHD dx prior to PANDAS, but we do deal with the manic hyperactivity quite a bit as a result of PANDAs. It does come and go, but always rough. Motrin helps take the edge off, so we use that.


As for school, wish I could be more help, our little guy will only be 4 next month, so he's in a special Ed pre-k program right now - I can't tell you what the teacher does, but she's amazing!!!


We had the ADHD diagnosis twice by top professionals before we were diagnosed with PANDAS. Tried stimulants which just made it worse. Once we had full treatment of PANDAS (PEX and then IVIG a few times) all signs of ADHD are completely gone. In fact, on his report card this year all they could say is how "focused" he is!

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