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Hello everyone,


You have all been so helpful. We just got in on a cancellation to get an EEG next week. Our issue is that he has to stay up until midnight get up at five a.m. and his appt isn't until one p.m. He is a nightmare if he doesn't get enough sleep. My hubby is off that day (thank God) so I will have assistance keeping him awake in the car. The other thing we are going to do is after the sleep part of the test we are going to feed him sugar because this triggers a really extreme reaction. He's been off it for months. It will give us some results from the the test but I have no idea what to do afterwards. He is pretty much psychotic when he eats sugar. He was tested for candida and has a systemic candida infection (which is what we figure causes this reaction). I have no idea how we are going to get him out of there after the test. YIKES! What happened to my 'normal' life? I never thought I would be dealing with crazy stuff like this!





My ds 8 is also having an EEG this Monday. I was told to keep him up as late as possible and get him up at 4am!! The lady said he'd be pretty grumpy (no kidding) to which I replied he's always grumpy (due to pandas) that's why we're doing the test!! Sorry I don't have much advice for you, I'm in the same boat! I just plan to bring as much to occupy him as possible, portable DVD player, DS game system, bribe him with a reward afterwards etc. He's got lots of sensory issues also, so I hope the gel in the hair doesn't become an issue, if it does, there's no hope!!! Hope yours goes OK.


In my ds's case, it's a neurologist (and pandas believer) as part of a complete neurolgy work-up as my ds has had many issues since age 2 of which pandas is the most recent. I think it's more to get to the bottom of his issues as opposed to PANDAS related. 1st time to see neurologist.


Our son had a 48 hour in home video monitoring EEG so sorry cant help with the keeping awake part. We felt like we were on a reality tv show for those entire two days. The EEG showed nothing, but I am glad it was done to rule out seizures.

Good luck.


Ours was ordered to rule out temporal lobe seizures because of the sudden onset and the fact that we can trigger his reactions/rages.


I don't know how we are going to get him out of the hospital because after his sleep test we are going to trigger a reaction/rage (we are going to give him some milk chocolate sugar and casein set off an immediate reaction). We are hoping to find out whether it is a seizure disorder or whether it is to do with his systemic yeast.



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