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DD, 15, was diagnosed with Bartonella on Wednesday. This is based off a rash and clinical findings. We are still waiting for the bloodwork results to come back. She has been horrible to deal with! She is very busy with school, band, FFA, and softball, but has become so very negative and argumentative! This is more than typical teenage angst.


DS, 12, whom I thought was doing so much better is an anxiety laden mess since school started again. He begs me everyday not to go. He always used to sleep well, now he wakes up in the middle of the night for two hours or more. He is on a pretty hefty dose of Zoloft that is obviously not working. Doctor recommends experimenting with Tryptophan and Tyrosine until I get a dose that works for him. Don't you love that wording "Experiment"?


I feel we took two steps back with our son, and I am devastated about our daughter. She was my "normal" one and my rock. I would like to go lay down and bawl, but there isn't time for that!


Thanks for letting me vent.


With a heavy heart,



Two thoughts - first, on the zoloft, one "experiment" is to lower the dose instead of raising it or adding other things. In Pandas kids, SSRIs can activate, meaning they can increase the symptoms they're supposed to minimize. Lowering the dose often helps. If you know it's not helping at the current dose, you can try lowering, either as a step toward weaning completely or to see if less is better.


Second, you may want to check in with your daughter in some way to see if OCD is behind the defiance. Being so busy, it's possible OCD is telling her things and her fears are coming out as anger. We found detox helps with rages as well. Chlorella to sop up toxins, ALA/glutathione for brain anti-oxidants, milk thistle for liver...and on bad days, Aleve or Motrin. I sear it's taken that anger down very several notches very quickly.


And you should go cry - you should definitely make time for it. Keep it in and it will eventually grow and kick your butt. I speak from experience on this one.


So sorry


I agree with LLM on zoloft- be sure to start at very low dose, and increase if needed every six weeks. Zoloft can cause the sleep issues- that is a side effect- my dd had it with zoloft, it did go away after about 2 weeks.


We discontinued zoloft after a few months, as it didn't help.


The only things that have helped us with the anxiety and OCD are immune modulating treatments :(


We also saw OCD as an underlying cause of lots of the defiance :(


Bartonella is SEVERELY immune suppressive. Far far more than Borrelia or Babesia. That needs to be addressed aggressively. The fact that you have a clinical and not a biochemical (labs) diagnosis shows that the immune system is very weak. As you treat you will find after a few months the labs may become positive for other infections. For us it took a year of conventional and holistic treatments to unmask underlying lyme and BOTH species of Babesia in DS. I have patients where it takes 3 to 6 months. Each child is different.

Babesia is the second most immune suppressive so even though we only have a couple double star bands positive on the western blot now Im expecting that to light up as we treat Babesia Duncani and Babesia Microti in DS.

ALWAYS use holistic support for detox, drainage, nutrition and incorporate herbal antimicrobials along with the abx for maximum intracellular delivery of the medicines.

The dietary golden rules are

high protein, good fats, mineral rich foods (multivitamins not so important),HYDRATION. keep the internal environment alkaline. Matrix electrolyte(sachets are convenient) from Biopure or Rehydation drops from Energetix are what I've seen testing great for almost all children I see for ART.

Incorporate holistic support of the Yin organs, the healing organs that is. Always support the brain, liver, spleen and kidneys holistically.


For the believers.....

there are couple additional things to consider when treating anxiety, OCD etc. This is your internal system in chaos and mayhem due to over activity in the sympathetic nervous system.

EMFs are VERY VERY important factor to consider. keeping the exposure to wireless, microwaves, radio signals, ipods, Ipads, Ihones, cordless phones, is very dangerous. Laptop keyboards leech out gases and heavy metals. Use a USB port connected external keyboard and mouse on laptops. try not to sleep on beds that contain metal springs etc- just read up on EMFs, Earthing and try to live a low tech life.

Most of us can only incorporate so much. try to find a happy medium. Do ALL the precautions at a low key cost effective level and maintain it for success.

Let go of stresses, help your children understand the bigger picture and let go of minor hiccups in life.


It will not matter how long you take psych meds or antibiotics- those alone will never cure these multiple chronic infections that have made a home inside our and our kid's bodies.IVIG, steroids, PEX- all band aids. Excellent ones but still non curative.

Just sharing my experience.

Even the most conventional, absolutely brilliant, and saintly, world famous #1 LLMD is currently recommending herbal supplements, talking about energetic testing and the role of psychological wellness. We share several patients in common and its amazing how this physician who has helped thousands of children is able to grasp and understand the importance of Holistic support. We have both seen phenomenal results with very minimal herxing in children with our combined approach.

Again, just sharing what I've learned.


Thank you for all the good information on Bartonella.

I went yesterday for my own LLMD appt., and Bartonella is my main issue- (now?) came back very high positive on Igenex. And I certainly have the symptoms. Quite lucky I have a very nice husband.


Anyway, I am starting on an antibiotic, in 3 weeks add 1 drop at a time of very potent herbal Bart. rememdies.

100 billion probiotics, vitamins, minerals, extra magnesium,

3 different bottles of drainage/drops, drink 8 glasses of 8 oz. water a day, and get this: I walk my neighborhood on 30 minute walks (when I can) I was told to do this 2x a day! (yeah, when?) Charcoal is needed.

*sigh* I hope I'm going to be okay going through all this.


Cobbiesmommy, your post really tugged at my heart. I have a younger daughter (4 1/2) who is healthy and happy, my little partner, my own 'rock'. I can really understand how painful it must be to have another child come up positive...I am so sorry.


Thank you for all the replies. I have started breaking the Zoloft capsules in half and will try weaning them off of them. We also tried Neuro Lift (l-tyrosine) in the morning and L-tryptophan in the morning and evening. I won't say it was 100 percent, but he said that he was not tired yesterday during school. That is a plus!


He did lab test positive for the Bart, Babesia, Lyme and RMSF. He also tested positive for HHV6 and Epstein Barr.


DCMom, when you say immune modulating treatments, what do you mean? Ivig? Antibiotics?


Going to go have my cry today, take a nap, and then start the day over again!

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