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has anyone had a bartonella child, that had severe severe ocd, and saw it get better eventually with abx. alone??? she is tolerating the abx. and i see her a bit calmer, but ocd at night is still bizarre. doctor wants to add something for sleep to knock her out. he said if you get sleep under control, it can help the ocd. i really wish we could go right to ocd meds.


has anyone had a bartonella child, that had severe severe ocd, and saw it get better eventually with abx. alone??? she is tolerating the abx. and i see her a bit calmer, but ocd at night is still bizarre. doctor wants to add something for sleep to knock her out. he said if you get sleep under control, it can help the ocd. i really wish we could go right to ocd meds.



This is a tough one. My son had severe OCD - though still functional - two years ago when his OCD started. Behavioral/anger issues were the bigger problems for us. It took us 3 months to figure out that Prozac calmed him down enough to make it somewhat liveable. My son appears to be one of the few for which SSRIs actually work. We barely made it through school the following year. None of the therapies worked nor did the Prozac seem to make the OCD any less. We started Lyme/Bartonella treatment almost a year ago. Since then, he has very slowly improved. We continue to "push" him (he's 13 yrs. old) by periodically setting new goals but no more therapies. He did have IVIG this summer. I can't say that we saw any jump in progress regarding OCD; still slow steady progress. He was already doing well behavioral wise but is doing noticeably better immediately following IVIG. We've even been able to lower his dose of Prozac from 30mg to 20mg without any regression. In hindsight, behavior was one of the first symptoms he exhibited - long before we even knew there was a problem! Next IVIG is mid-September.


Until someone figures out a better route, I think we are talking about a lot of time. I do think that it was a good thing we waited for the IVIG. And by that - I mean it feels right. I certainly do not have any information to back that up. It just feels right to take some time to knock down the infections for a while before IVIG. Then again, I still think that we as a community fighting Lyme/Pandas/pick your favorite bug are missing something else....


Whew, that was a long winded way of saying that ABX by themselves might eventually knock out the OCD but no one would know at this point what will work for your child. I should also note that we are doing various other supplements, not just ABX. Some combination of everything we are doing seems to be working though very slowly.






If what you were receiving was a whole blood product, say a transfusion, yes it is not inconceivable that you can get an infection from someone's blood. Many diseases are screened, but not all, I suppose. IVIG is pooled antibodies (Ig type) from 1000's of people & I believe sterile. In it there just might be Ig's for bartonella, which could help prime your immune system to go after bartonella, as just one example. Now, this is a very simplistic explanation of what IVIG does, and how it works at different dosages is a whole other discussion. But, the answer to your concern would be a "no".


Maybe someone else can weigh in. Dawn



We started down this path thinking our son had Pandas and this was a strep related thing. We had tried gf/cf diet, allergy shots, supplements, Risperdal, Prozac, and eventually IVIg before we had a true Lyme diagnosis. We had been on Zithromax for a while and it was helping take the edge off of son's erratic and OCD behavior. We thought that is because we were dealing with strep--actually the Zith had been working on the Lyme. After IVIg, we had six wonderful, glorious weeks before we were pretty much right back where we started but without the Zithromax prescription. Once we had the Lyme diagnosis and the antibiotics, our son got better early on then worse once we switched doctors who also switched the antibiotics. Now we are back with doctor #1, son is on Rifampin and Bactrim and we are doing much much better. (I say "we" because everyone in the household suffers or benefits from son's condition.)


Also, we had to look at the other complicating factors: mold and allergies. He is doing SLIT therapy for allergies and we had to reconfigure our roofline and totally repair/replace one room in our home.


The right antibiotics will bring down OCD behavior, but it is finding that right antibiotic that is difficult. Bartonella is especially hard to eradicate and the one that gives our kiddos the most trouble. We have been at this for a year(our anniversary for Lyme diagnosis is this week.) and I could not have made it this far without the people on this board. You will come through this and so will your daughter.




has anyone had a bartonella child, that had severe severe ocd, and saw it get better eventually with abx. alone??? she is tolerating the abx. and i see her a bit calmer, but ocd at night is still bizarre. doctor wants to add something for sleep to knock her out. he said if you get sleep under control, it can help the ocd. i really wish we could go right to ocd meds.


I agree with sleep helping with the OCD. For us, the homeopathic remedies my son has been on have all helped him sleep. When he first went on them, he would sleep for 10 hours in a long, hard sleep. Our naturopath said it was a sign of healing. After about a month of good sleep, he learned to "handle" his OCD much better. All of his OCD is still there and he struggles with even simple things like changing his clothes and eating, but his overall mood is excellent--amazing to me. So getting sleep has really made a difference though in no way has "cured" him.


Christianmom, do you use Pierre Fontaines Services?


No, I use a local naturopath. But I have heard good things about Pierre Fontaines. I guess I am sticking with the naturopath I have because I feel that he hasn't really been given much of a chance to help my son as he is on so many antibiotics right now (3). The naturopath was having some success when my son was only on one which we will go back to at the end of September. But the success was extremely slow coming except for the great sleep and mood changes that I spoke of. I did try a few months ago taking my son off of antibiotics completely and he began to regress within 24 hours. He asked to go back on his antibiotic (it was only one, Biaxin, at the time). I haven't had the nerve to try again since. We are pursuine PEX or IVIG at this point in hopes of having the "dramatic" change that others have had. And I will be continuing with homeopathy in hopes that it will then be able to keep my son well. So I don't know what to say about the homeopathy because in my son's case we really haven't given it the chance that others have since my son has stayed on his antibiotics. (Sorry to go off topic.)

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