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Not sure if it is pandas + tics or just tics... looked like pandas last year b/c of the urinating, and the sudden fear, and b/c of the sudden movements, and b/c a few weeks of azithromycin helped ds8. Posted in pandas forum as well.


My son was doing well all summer, and I am trying to pinpoint what might have had him slide back a bit. He took some drum lessons at a music place, and really enjoyed the lessons. I remember wondering how this affects the brain, because everything impacts on the brain. Some things are stressors, and some things are not. Whenever you learn a new instrument or new thing, we are rewiring stuff in there.


So, maybe his slide back is a combination of things.... Here's what has been going on with ds8

-went swimming at a friend's house who has a salt water pool - I freaked a bit when the boys mother told me that she often gets strep...yikes I thought...she prepared to fruit for the kids to eat

-he obviously got water in his ears, and started doing this noise thing---that I also do whenever my ear is itchy---

-he started drum lessons for the summer.... he takes piano at home where the teacher come to the house, so the company gives the kids 5 free lessons of any instrument during the summer...ds8 chose drums - didn't see a reaction with his 5 + lessons (bought him more lessons b/c he loved drums)

-husband has been renovating basement bathroom...used glue on the tiles....I started seeing some mouth movements

-let ds8 on the ipod touch watching video clips and some wii games and some tv... all of which were restricted before... now more mouth movements

-ate some of the cheap wonder hot dog buns that contains manganese (which I know increases tics in him)and hot dogs that contain nitrates -not good

-ate ice cream

-had a low grade fever, that went away on its own

-another kid used his soccer goalie jersey when the other kid was sick with a runny nose, and then ds8 wore it on the field a few moments later

-some kid had strep and showed up at hockey practice and soccer practice

-aunt is a staph carrier and kisses him


Just wondering from everyone... maybe it is a combination of stuff


I feel like I have to be on top of everything... I am so traumatized by everything that has happened. I have antibiotics waiting, just in case I think they are needed.


My children's tics increase most dramatically when my husband renovates in the house.....or even in the backyard. The dust, mold, allergens, construction dust that gets released into the air in your home can be really bad for tics. My kid's tics can last months when my husband does construction in the house. They get inflammed from that, then all other reactions are more severe than usual because their toxic burden is already too high. Just my personal experience.


Thanks... I wondered if others found that to be a factor too. In fact, my son's classroom last year had one floor tile missing, and the workers glued in a new one, while the kids were at school. My son's nose twitched for one month.

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