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Hi everyone,


I had a question - as you know we have been having an increase in tics over the last week - since last Thursday - the worst increase we have seen in a very long time ( although I do keep telling myself we are in a much better place than where we started). While the tics are decreasing they are still present ( mostly vocal - throat clearing that sounds sore - worst at bedtime - they increase as the evening goes on - the teacher has not noticed anything other than some throat clearing during quiet reading time. Thanks to the info from Andy and Cheri I started to think about the yeast issue - with the Halloween candies. I do think there are many variables involved - fighting a flu that I had, growth spurt, pizza and cake party - after being on a very clean diet - and the candy. I did do the great plains testing - but got the results back at a time he was doing really well so I did not look at them closely ( they are difficult to understand - unless you know all the terms) - and the naturopath just told me to keep doing what we are doing. Looking back at the test results it seems yeast was a bit of an issue - which makes sense since he was on 5 months of antibiotics with no probiotic. We now religiously give him probiotics daily - since he is still on prophylactic antibiotics.

My question is really - if part of this increase in tics is an overgrowth of yeast - would it make sense to increase the probiotic to 2X a day - this dose was fine with the naturopath in the past - so I am not worried about it being bad for him - we decreased to one and he had been fine for many many months. I just wondered if the extra probiotic would help with the yeast ( sorry if it is a dumb question) - I would hate to make him swallow a pill if it was doing nothing. I still feel like a beginner in so many ways. What other things can I do to help with yeast? I did start giving him clariton incase it was an allergy irritation causing the tics - he has been on it for 3 days - in the past when the tic is allergy induced we usually see a significant improvement by 24 hours and within a few days it is gone - so I will probably discontinue the clariton. I keep looking at his throat to see if it is red - I may just take him to the ped if he is not better by the end of the week. I hate going there though and risking him getting some other illness from the waiting room.


Thanks in advance for any advise.


PS - I really hate this!


We thought we were out of the woods completely then the tics came back strong. Perhaps the NDF caused the yeast to get out of control perhaps it was something else in anycase he was tested for and tested with a yeast and fungus condition. Most likely was always there but was put in check then got out of hand.

He is doing much better now that we resume all of his treatments and are treating the yeast infection with heavy probiotics but there is still the eye rolling tic on ocassion. Hopefully this Christmas break we will start the prescription treatment to clear that up. I think you are going down the right street with the yeast thing yourself.


As for the pill issue, our Dan doctor said it was ok to open the capsule form and mix it in juice. We do this 1/2 hr after meals to avoid stomach acid and we give charcol 1/2 hr after that to absorb kill off residue. If interested I will post the products name. We have been doing this for over a month and will do it until Christmas when we will use the prescription powder medication that can have strong kill off effects.


Thanks Andy - I think I will up the probiotic - and give two a day and see if we see any change - I assume (hope) with or without the extra probiotic things should get better - but I would like to speed things along. I do not know anything about charcol as a supplement- any info would be appreciated. Also - what prescription are you doing in the New Year - and is it just for yeast - and why are you not starting it earlier? Are you trying to get the yeast to a more manageable amount in hopes of their being less die off?


I'm tired so excuse my past spellings. The probiotic that we are using now is called Culturelle and the website is www.culturelle.com if you want to look it up. 1/2 hr after using it we give our boy a capsule of activated charcoal in juice to absorb the die off. This may have stablize my son. It is hard to tell for we re-started the IV treatments at the same time. This winter break we will be giving nystatin 3x a day with the culturelle 2x a day until tests state otherwise.


We want to lower the yeast levels before going with the nystatin to hopefully lower the kill off effect by lowering the yeast levels.

We want to wait to the holiday break to give my kid time in hopes that when he goes back to school the kill off effect would have past.

We want to use the nystatin to ensure the yeast and fungus problem is gone for good by killing it as well as pull out the mercury with chelation to take away the conditons that could cause it to grow.

I think this is the last major piece of the puzzle.


Thanks Andy for the info. Wishing your son all the best. Look forward to updates - and I do hope you have got the final piece! What a journey you have been on.


Hi Alison. I'm sorry to hear that your little guy is having a bad go of it. I wonder if allergies have anything to do with it. Mine have been driving me crazy. I picked up some Carnosine after reading Fireflys post, and it is the main thing I think contributing to my son getting better. I'm going to post about it. I hope this passes for your son. It's so hard to imagine things getting better when they are at there peak, but it will.




Hi everyone,


I had a question - as you know we have been having an increase in tics over the last week - since last Thursday - the worst increase we have seen in a very long time ( although I do keep telling myself we are in a much better place than where we started). While the tics are decreasing they are still present ( mostly vocal - throat clearing that sounds sore - worst at bedtime - they increase as the evening goes on - the teacher has not noticed anything other than some throat clearing during quiet reading time. Thanks to the info from Andy and Cheri I started to think about the yeast issue - with the Halloween candies. I do think there are many variables involved - fighting a flu that I had, growth spurt, pizza and cake party - after being on a very clean diet - and the candy. I did do the great plains testing - but got the results back at a time he was doing really well so I did not look at them closely ( they are difficult to understand - unless you know all the terms) - and the naturopath just told me to keep doing what we are doing. Looking back at the test results it seems yeast was a bit of an issue - which makes sense since he was on 5 months of antibiotics with no probiotic. We now religiously give him probiotics daily - since he is still on prophylactic antibiotics.

My question is really - if part of this increase in tics is an overgrowth of yeast - would it make sense to increase the probiotic to 2X a day - this dose was fine with the naturopath in the past - so I am not worried about it being bad for him - we decreased to one and he had been fine for many many months. I just wondered if the extra probiotic would help with the yeast ( sorry if it is a dumb question) - I would hate to make him swallow a pill if it was doing nothing. I still feel like a beginner in so many ways. What other things can I do to help with yeast? I did start giving him clariton incase it was an allergy irritation causing the tics - he has been on it for 3 days - in the past when the tic is allergy induced we usually see a significant improvement by 24 hours and within a few days it is gone - so I will probably discontinue the clariton. I keep looking at his throat to see if it is red - I may just take him to the ped if he is not better by the end of the week. I hate going there though and risking him getting some other illness from the waiting room.


Thanks in advance for any advise.


PS - I really hate this!


Hi Allison,


I only have a few seconds...I REALLY want to get the kids to bed and I need to go to bed! I have hesitated to say too much about treating Kurt for yeast until I could assess over a longer period if it was making a difference.


I started treating Kurt aggressively for yeast about the middle of September. In the past I have used grape seed extract etc. but decided this fall to use nystatin, more strict diet, and we are using colloidal silver. It has for sure helped. We are no longer having the big up and down days and he has been absolutely tic free for awhile now (knock on wood).


I will post more when I have more time. When looking at PANDAS kids it is really important to look at yeast due to the antibiotics. Take Care. Ronna




For what it is worth, last week when my little one started ticcing it was just after a hockey game where I let him pig out. Prior to the onset, I looked at his tongue and it was white. I knew I had to get the yeast under control. I use a product called Perils and it can be taken at any time and does not need refrgeration. Yeast can do some pretty nasty things. I know things will be better shortly, just not soon enough for us parents..right? I'll keep you in our thoughts.


Be Well,




Hi Marie,


Is Perils bought at a health food store? As I just wrote on another post - my sons' tics were on the increase today - they had been decreasing steadily over the last week, and very close to gone last night - pizza day was yesterday. I really think his immune system has been on overdrive so the pizza put him over the edge again. I knew it was not a great plan to have him eat the pizza - but he loved it so much and was soooo looking forward to eating "real pizza" like everyone else - and I do think that is worth something - since the effects are somewhat short lived. He did say tonight he noticed the habits get worse today and that maybe next pizza day he should take home made pizza like he did last year. He played hockey again tonight - and as he was going to bed - there were limited tics - vocal throat clearing - much better than a week ago, even with the slight increase today. Thank you for your thoughts as always. Hope your son is also doing much better. As I always say - this being a mom thing, is hard work.


Amen to that. Yes, we are doing better. The weekends are just so hard to manage. You know the deal, holiday shopping and wrapping and decorating leaves little/no time for the real imprtant things like a healthy diet. So we cheat and like any of us suffering is part of that. I agree that a strong immune system is key and as they become older and with a great diet and empty bucket of course, I think they will fair the course rather well. The thing that bothers me is the unknown. If I only had that crystal ball.


Until then I'll count my blessings and enjoy each smile as there were far to few last holiday. My wish this year is much like all who read and post here... a tic free year to all and to all a good night :(


Be Well,



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